Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Sub-Committee (2) - Tuesday 10th January, 2017 6.30 pm

Venue: Rooms 5, 6 & 7 - 17th Floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6 QP. View directions

Contact: Tristan Fieldsend, Committee and Governance Officer  Tel: 020 7641 2341; email:

No. Item



To note any changes to the membership.


There were no changes to the membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by members and officers of the existence and nature of any personal or prejudicial interests in matters on this agenda.


2.1       Councillor Peter Freeman explained that a week before the meeting, all four Members of the Committee were provided with a full set of papers including a detailed officer’s report on each application; together with bundles of every single letter or e-mail received in respect of every application, including all letters and e-mails containing objections or giving support. Members of the Committee read through everything in detail prior to the meeting. Accordingly, if an issue or comment made by a correspondent was not specifically mentioned at this meeting in the officers’ presentation or by Members of the Committee, it did not mean that the issue had been ignored. Members will have read about the issue and comments made by correspondents in the papers read prior to the meeting.


 2.2      Councillor Freeman declared that in his capacity as Deputy Cabinet Member for the Built Environment he sometimes received requests from developers to provide him with a presentation on a pending planning application or to discuss future projects. These always took place in the presence of council officers. At such meetings views or guidance from the Council were requested. No guarantees or commitments were given during such meetings on behalf of the City Council.


2.3       The Committee noted that Item 2 on the agenda was an application which had been submitted by Councillor Jonathan Glanz. In line with guidance agreed by the City Council’s Standards Committee, members of the Majority Party sitting on tonight’s Committee were no longer required to apply for a dispensation from the Code of Conduct provided they could declare that they only knew Councillor Glanz through their membership of the Majority Party and saw him at Council and related events. Councillors Peter Freeman, Melvyn Caplan and Paul Church gave that declaration in relation to Councillor Glanz. Councillor Ruth Bush declared that she knew Councillor Glanz in her capacity as a member of the Minority Party.


2.4       Councillors Freeman, Caplan, Church and Bush declared that in respect of Planning Application Item 9 they had all sat on the Committee which had heard the application previously.


2.5       Councillor Paul Church declared that in his capacity as Ward Councillor for West End ward which included Fitzrovia, Marylebone, Mayfair and Soho, he met and engaged regularly with residents, residents associations, amenity societies, businesses, developers, officers, planners and other stakeholders. He considered members of both the Majority and Minority party as friends and met with them regularly. He added that he was the Deputy Cabinet Member for Children and Young People.


2.6       Cllr Church also declared that in respect of Item 1 the application was situated within his ward and he had attended a meeting with the applicant.


2.7       Cllr Ruth Bush declared that she was a trustee of the Westminster Tree Association.



To sign the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of proceedings.


3.1       RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December 2016 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record of proceedings.


Planning Applications

Applications for decision


52-53 Poland Street, London, W1F 7NB pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Demolition of the seventh floor, roof plant enclosure, and front facade; replacement of front facade and seventh floor accommodation with extension to existing (front) terrace, and erection of eight floor roof addition, installation of new and relocated plant (including plant to existing basement and ground floor entertainment premises). Use of part ground and first to eighth floors as a hotel with ancillary first floor café (Class C1).




That conditional permission be granted subject to Condition 29 being amended to require all servicing to be undertaken between 07:00 and 18:00 hours only.


16 Wigmore Place, London, W1U 2LX pdf icon PDF 700 KB


Installation of a new service door at north elevation and new door and fanlights to west elevation.




That conditional permission be granted.


Essendine Mansions, Essendine Road, London, W9 2LY pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Development of four new dwellings to the rear of Essendine Mansions, with rear gardens with associated access, landscape, play and recreation improvements. Reinstatement or replacement of boundary treatments.


Additional representations were received from Doyle Design LLP (16/12/16) and the Essendine Residents Association (06/01/17).


A late representation was received from Doyle Design LLP (09/01/17).


Councillor Jan Prendergast addressed the Committee in her capacity as a ward member.




That the application be refused due to its impact on the character of the open land, the impact on accessible open space and insufficient information to adequately demonstrate the impact of the development on trees and ecology.


93 - 95 Gloucester Place, London, W1U 6JQ pdf icon PDF 716 KB


Use of building as nine self-contained residential flats (Class C3). Internal and external alterations.




1.            That conditional permission be granted;


2.            That conditional listed building consent be granted; and


3.         The reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision notice be agreed.


66 Chester Square, London, SW1W 9DU pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Demolition of existing mews building to rear (Ebury Mews East) and erection of replacement mews building comprising lower ground, ground and two upper floors. Erection of extension to closet wing containing lift shaft to rear elevation of the main building; erection of lower ground floor infill extension, internal refurbishment and alterations, and installation of mechanical plant at first and fourth floors.


An additional representation was received from Vail Williams (05/01/17) and


The presenting officer tabled the following additional condition:


Additional Condition


You must apply to us for approval of detailed drawings showing the following alteration(s) to the scheme:


  • A reduction in the size of the front dormer windows to the mews building
  • The first floor front windows to the mews to be set lower down
  • All windows to front of mews to be sash windows (with 6 over 6 panes)


You must not start on these parts of the work until we have approved what you have sent us. You just then carry out the work according to the approved drawings (see informative 8).




1.            That conditional permission and conditional listed building consent be granted; and


2.         That the reasons for granting listed building consent as set out in Informative 1 of the draft decision letter be agreed.


20 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1ES pdf icon PDF 781 KB


Use of basement and part of the ground floor as office (Class B1), alterations to glazing at ground floor and replacement of mechanical plant and screen at roof level.


An additional representation was received from DP9 (04/01/17).




That conditional planning permission be granted.


12 Frederick Close, London, W2 2HD pdf icon PDF 835 KB


Late representations were received from Councillor Heather Acton (08/01/17) and two local residents (09/01/17).


The presenting officer tabled the following additional condition:


Condition 5 to read:


You must apply to us for approval of detailed drawings showing the following alteration(s) to the scheme:


  • A reduction in size of the front elevation mansard windows.


You must not start on these parts of the work until we have approved what you have sent us. You just then carry out the work according to the approved drawings.




To make sure that the appearance of the building is suitable and that it contributes to the character and appearance of this part of the Bayswater Conservation Area. This is as set out in S25 and S28 of Westminster’s City Plan (November 2016) and DES 1 and DES 5 or DES 6 or both and paras 10.108 to 10.128 of our Unitary Development Plan that we adopted in January 2007.




That against the recommendation the application be refused on the grounds that it would create an increased, and therefore unacceptable, level of enclosure to the properties opposite.


53A Hereford Road, London, W2 5BB pdf icon PDF 665 KB


Erection of a single storey rear extension at lower ground floor level.




1.            That conditional planning permission and listed building consent be granted; and


2.         That the reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in the draft decision notice be agreed.


9 Chapel Side, London, W2 4LG pdf icon PDF 522 KB


Details of a construction management plan pursuant to Condition 3 of planning permission dated 23 August 2016 (RN: 16/05301/FULL).


A late representation was received from the Bayswater Residents Association (31/12/16).




That the details be approved.