Agenda item

Design Review Panel

The Planning & City Development Committee to receive a verbal update on the Design Review Panel.


6.1        The Committee received a verbal update regarding the recent creation of the        Westminster Design Review Panel (DRP). Members were advised that the Chairs of the DRP were interviewed and appointed on 23 May and were involved in the selection process alongside officers in the recruitment of panel members. There are 31 DRP members in total and over 250 applications were received for the Panel. The DRP’s first virtual introductory meeting was attended by the majority of panel members and an induction event was scheduled to take place in September. The Committee was advised that they could also attend the induction event. The first Panel is scheduled to take place during the Autumn.

6.2        The Committee noted that the DRP membership had attracted attention from           the press, and it had been commented that it’s make up comprised of highly        experienced professionals and talented individuals from the planning industry.               The Committee were advised that the calibre of members was extremely high              and included individuals from a wide background which included, age, skills,          and experience. Members commented on the importance that members of the               Panel are locally based and them possessing a good knowledge of the Borough. Officers advised that members of the Panel had good                      experience of Westminster and some were involved in local community groups. The Committee were reminded that the Borough had a rich plethora of Amenity Societies and Neighbourhood Forums and these bodies ensured that local needs were represented. The Committee were informed that work would continue to ensure that communities are able to share their design expertise. The Panel’s webpage will be launched after the biographies of its members have been finalised.

6.3      Members were advised that the recommendations of the Panel would be               included in reports of their Sub-Committees. At current there is no defined     timeline when this would occur as this would be dependent on when a               planning application is considered by the DRP and then brought to a Sub-         Committee for determination. Officers advised that the DRPs would have a   positive impact on the planning decision process and that the Committee              would be kept abreast of any updates in particular what applications are            directed to the Panel. This could be referrals from Officers or direct request               made by applicants planning agents. Members were informed that the DRP is              a self-funding initiative and that developers / applicants would be required to     pay a fee for the service. This is the usual practise in place at other LPAs who   have DRPs. The fee structures for the DRP are published on the Councils       website.

6.4      Officers advised that a review of the DRP would take place and commented         that the Panel’s work needed to be embedded first. The Committee was               advised that an independent assessment of the Panel would be undertaken and that its usage by the planning community would also be used as an               indicator regarding its effectiveness.

6.5         The website also contains information regarding the Terms of Reference,           purpose and how the Panel operates. The website can be viewed here.

6.6         Members were advised that they could attend the DRP as an observer and        this would provide an opportunity to understand how the Panel operates.               Officers commented that observing the DRP would give Members more         insight and a better understanding of its functions and this would be more               beneficial than being presented a committee report. Members commented on             the importance that the DRPs is adequately resourced and noted that the         back-office infrastructure would ensure this.

6.7      The Committee thanked the Deputy Cabinet Member for Planning and           Economic Development and Officers for their contribution and work towards    the setting up of the Design Review Panel



That the Westminster City Councils Design Review Panel’s Terms of Reference be circulated to the Committee.