Agenda item

Hathaway House, 7D Woodfield Road, London, W9 2BA


Demolition of existing buildings and re-development to provide buildings of G+4 and G+13 storeys, providing a mixed use development comprising flexible office use (Class B1) and Healthcare (Class D1), and 74 residential units (including 19 affordable units) with associated basement car parking, cycle parking and hard and soft landscaping.


Additional representations were received from the Metropolitan Police (05.09.16), LB Brent (06.09.16), Miss Cleo Barbour (07.09.16) and Mrs Kathleen Winch (08.09.16 and 09.09.16).


Late representations were received from Ms Alison Sage (09.09.16), Mr Axel Michel (11.09.16),Turley Associates (12.09.16), the Metropolitan Police (12.09.16), the Westbourne Forum (12.09.16), Grand Union Residents’ Association (12.09.16), Mr Lawrence Harrault (12.09.16), Mrs Julia Finlay (12.09.16), Mrs Jacqueline Chakravorty (12.09.16), Mr Simon Jason Swerling (12.09.16), Ms Kim Dutta (12.09.16), City Fleet Networks Ltd (13.09.16), Director of Planning (13.09.16), and Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (13.09.16).


The presenting officer tabled the following amendments to part 2 of the recommendation:


1.       Provision of affordable housing on-site in the form of 9x1bedroom and 10x2 bedroom intermediate shared ownership units, with 100% nomination rights to the City Council.

2.       Lifetime (25 years) car club membership for the occupiers of the residential units.

3.       Car park strategy for the residential carpark spaces provided on an unallocated basis and for the NHS car park spaces.

4.       Highways works associated with the development including vehicular crossovers and paving

5.       Pedestrian and vehicular access along from Woodfield Road along Elmfield Way to the development site for residents and workers, and not to prevent pedestrian access from Elmfield Way through the development site to the canal side.

6.       Public access to the 2m depth canal side space via a walkways agreement or other suitable mechanism.

7.       A financial contribution of £205,632 as a carbon offset payment (index linked and payable on commencement of development).

8.       A financial contribution of £6,298 towards improvements to existing play space provision in the vicinity of the site or towards the provision of new play space provision (index linked and payable on commencement of development).

9.       A financial contribution of £200,000 towards public realm improvement works in the vicinity of the site which may include works to the waterway and towpath (index linked and payable on commencement of development).

10.     A financial contribution of £50,000 towards Employment and Training (index linked and payable on commencement of development).”

11.               Provision of Public Art to the value of no less than £100,000. (index linked and payable on commencement of development).

12.     Compliance with Code of Construction Practice

13.     Cost on Monitoring the S106 legal agreement”


Councillor Adam Hug addressed the Committee in his capacity as a Ward Councillor.




1.       That given the location of the site, the low townscape value of the immediate area and limited impact of the tower on the designated heritage assets (conservation areas and listed buildings) in the wider area, a high building is acceptable in this location.


2.       That conditional permission be granted, subject to:


(a)  the views of the Mayor of London


(b)  the revised S106 legal agreement tabled at the meeting; and


(c)  to a public realm improvement payment of an additional £200,000 for improvement works to Woodfield Road.


Councillor Roca requested that his dissent against approving the application be recorded, in view of the number of objections and as he considered it to be against policy.


Supporting documents: