Agenda item

Update on the Work Programme

Report of the Director of Policy, Performance and Communications (to follow)


9.1      The Committee considered the Work Programme for the next Business, Planning and Transport Policy and Scrutiny meeting on 8 February 2018.  Artemis Kassi, Policy and Scrutiny Officer, referred to the amendments to the Work Programme which were due to factors such as the recent changes to the Cabinet Member portfolios and the re-scheduling until later in the year of the Building Heights and Street Markets reports on officer advice.  Currently listed in the Work Programme for February were a review of the first year of operation of the Community Infrastructure Levy, a review of the services provided to customers by the utility companies (including Thames Water and UK Power Networks) and the Place Shaping/Transformation of Oxford Street.  Ms Kassi added that there was the option of providing a written briefing on the Community Infrastructure Levy given the number of items proposed for February.  Another possible option for February which had been suggested by Mr Ward, Director of Economy, for scrutiny by the Committee was the Apprenticeship Levy.    


9.2      The Chairman recommended that the Committee should only proceed with scrutinising the services provided to customers by the utility companies in the event that there were appropriate senior executives able to attend the meeting as witnesses in February.  It was agreed that clarification would be sought with officers about the timescale of when the Building Heights item could be scrutinised by the Committee.  In the event this item could be considered in February, it was suggested that the relevant officers from the Greater London Authority also be invited to provide advice on the London Plan.  It was agreed that the Apprenticeship Levy item would be included on the February agenda if the other requested items were not ready for consideration.


9.3      The Committee also asked when the Evening and Night Time Economy Task Group was likely to be scheduled.  Ms Kassi advised that this had previously been envisaged as a joint task group with the Adults, Health and Public Protection Policy and Scrutiny Committee.  However, following the changes to the Cabinet Member portfolios, this would now be solely a task group of this Committee.  There were still discussions taking place as to how the task group should be taken forward.  The Committee would be updated.


9.4      It was agreed that in addition to the questions relating to the Cabinet Member for City Highways’ portfolio set out in paragraph 4.3 above, Councillor Chalkley would be asked how many electric vehicle charging points there are currently in each ward.


9.5      ACTION: The following actions arose:


·           That officers consult with the utility companies in order to assess whether the appropriate senior executives are available to attend the meeting in February 2018 (Artemis Kassi, Policy and Scrutiny Officer).


·           That clarification be sought with officers about the timescale of when the Building Heights item is likely to be scrutinised by the Committee (Artemis Kassi, Policy and Scrutiny Officer).


·           That the Committee be updated on when the Evening and Night Time Economy Task Group is likely to be scheduled (Artemis Kassi, Policy and Scrutiny Officer).


·           That the Committee be informed of how many electric vehicle charging points there are currently in each ward in Westminster (Councillor Danny Chalkley, Cabinet Member for City Highways and Olivia Chadelle, Cabinet Officer).


9.6      RESOLVED: That (i) the Work Programme be updated following the first three actions set out in 9.5 above being taken forward; and


That (ii) the action tracker be noted;



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