Issue - decisions

W253- City wide water tank replacement

21/04/2017 - W253- City wide water tank replacement

1.         That in accordance with Paragraph 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, this report be exempt from publication in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information).


2.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing approved the award of a contract for the replacement of the cold water storage tanks in 29 housing blocks to the preferred bidder to the sum and contingency sum, if necessary, as detailed in the report.


3.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing agreed the total scheme costs inclusive of a contingency sum and management overhead costs as detailed in the report.


4.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing delegated authority to the CityWest Homes Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Director of Law, to agree any minor amendments to the contract deemed necessary and to conclude the contract accordingly.


Reasons for Decision


1.            The works are required to ensure that residents are supplied with cold water services that comply with current water regulations.


2.         The justification for scoping the water tank replacement works to 29 blocks, is grounded on the experience of the recent R137 scheme which was an identical works package. CityWest Homes (CWH) concluded that a single main contractor carrying out this volume of works was the most efficient works methodology, in consideration of the level and degree of operational management required by CWH to ensure that all works are carried out to specification and programme across the South area of the City.