Issue - decisions

Rough Sleeping and Supported Housing Contract Extensions

10/04/2017 - Rough Sleeping and Supported Housing Contract Extensions

1.         That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


2.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing approved the variation of the contract with The Passage for the total sum as set out in the report and noted the total contract value including the variation.


Reasons for Decision 

1.         The Assessment and Contact Centre needs to be operational as soon as possible to ensure the greatest number of positive outcomes are achieved within the grant funding window. The first payment of the grant funding has already been released and the grant funding will cease after 31 March 2019. This gives the Council two years to have the service up and running and increase the service offer for rapidly getting vulnerable individuals off the streets and into sustainable accommodation. This service will fill a gap in preventative service provision and as such support cost avoidance and cost savings to the Council and to the public purse.

2.         The Passage has a long track record of working in the homelessness sector, supporting the needs of the target client group, and working as partners with the Council; as such the Council is confident that they bring the level of expertise required to deliver this service. By awarding a contract variation to the Passage and re-purposing an existing hostel service, the service can be operational within the next three months.