Issue - decisions

T155 Warwick Low Rise

12/07/2017 - T155 Warwick Low Rise

1.         That in accordance with Paragraph 3 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 this report be exempt from publication in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information).


2.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing approved the award of a contract for external repairs and redecoration, flat roof renewals, window repairs, electrical works and cyclical redecorations to communal areas of 15-142 Atherstone Court, 10-78 Bourne Terrace, 17-157 Bourne Terrace, 100-106 Bourne Terrace, 161-233 Bourne Terrace, Desborough Close, Oldbury House, 2-32 Senior Street, 34-80 Senior Street and 3-65 Warwick Crescent at Warwick Low Rise to the preferred bidder for the sum, and an additional contingency sum if necessary, as detailed in the report.


3.         That the Cabinet Member for Housing agreed the total scheme costs inclusive of a contingency sum and management overhead costs as detailed in the report.


4.         That the CityWest Homes Chief Executive, in conjunction with the Director of Law, be delegated authority to agree any minor amendments to the contract deemed necessary and to conclude the contract accordingly.


Reasons for Decision


The cyclical internal and external decorations, repairs, roof renewals and Fire Risk Assessment compliance works to the ten blocks will eliminate existing major repair issues, reduce further building fabric deterioration and day-to-day maintenance demands, reinstate decorative condition, provide an ambiance for residents and reduce health and safety risks.