Issue - decisions

Luxborough Street

23/02/2018 - Luxborough Street


1.              That the report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that these documents contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

2.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services, Cabinet Member for Housing and the Cabinet Member for Environment, Sports and Community noted the progress undertaken so far and approved further work on options 2 and 3 only in accordance with the steps outlined in the report.

3.              That the Head of Development working collaboratively with the Director of Property, Investment and Estates and the City Treasurer will recommend a preferred option seeking the approval of the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services prior to the submission of a detailed planning application and conclusion of the business case in line with the recommendation in 2.2 above.

4.              That, in accordance with the recommendations from the Capital Review Group (CRG), the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services noted that the gross capital budget of £21.4m remains in place for the project and gives authorisation to the spend of £1.43m in developing the preferred option, to a detailed design (RIBA 4) stage. The Cabinet Member noted that this together with previous expenditure on the old library scheme will take total authorised spend to £2.262m.


5.              In accordance with the recommendations from the CRG, the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services noted that in order to prevent previous incidents of anti-social behaviour from reoccurring and in accordance with the wishes of the residents of Luxborough tower, the reinstatement of the kick about space under Option 1 will not be progressed further.


6.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services authorises the Director of Property, Investment and Estates to undertake any further appropriations required and after a legal review, authorises the use of any necessary powers under section 203 Housing and Planning Act 2016 if required for the chosen project in consultation with the Director of Law subject to this being affordable within the budget envelope.


7.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services authorises the Director of Property, Investment and Estates and the Director of Housing to complete the transfer of the land, the subject of the previous appropriation at the current red book value.




8.              That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services noted the existing offer to the Luxborough Tower residents for expenditure on design and improvement of the remaining landscaped areas to compensate for the loss of any existing rights regarding this site.  The Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Corporate Services authorises officers to include these works to secure the site as part of the development.


9.              The Luxborough Street development site had previously been identified as the new location of the permanent Marylebone Library, this site is no longer required for this purpose as the library is now being relocated to the nearby Seymour Leisure Centre, co-located with the existing leisure centre. This decision has released Luxborough Street for an alternative development opportunity.


10.           A business case will confirm alternative potential uses and recommend an option(s) (currently shown as 2a to 3b in section 1.6) which will be developed further but with the exclusion of option 1.


11.           In May 2017, CRG was asked to endorse the preferred options, to confirm that the budget was available and that further project spend could take place.


12.           Cabinet Member approval is now required for the project to enable Council officers to progress the preferred options. Council officers will update CRG each quarter on the project’s progress.