Issue - decisions

Ebury Bridge - Estate Renewal

11/07/2017 - Ebury Bridge - Estate Renewal

That Cabinet:


1.            Authorised spend to explore and work-up renewal options with the community which are both commercially viable and meet the aspirations of the residents.


2.         Agreed the assessment criteria for testing options as set out in Section 5 of the report.


3.         Agreed that officers work with residents to reach a preferred option.


4.         Agreed that the Council continue to honour the rehousing commitments made to both tenants and leaseholders within the existing scheme.


5.         Agreed to bring a Cabinet report forward outlining a preferred option following the comprehensive period of engagement.


Reasons for Decision


1.            The Estate is one of five priority housing estates identified in the City Council’s Housing Renewal Strategy 2010, noted as requiring improvement and significant investment over the next five years.


2.         The aim of regenerating the Ebury Bridge Estate is to bring about long term physical, economic and social sustainability of the area, and to create a high quality, mixed use urban neighbourhood that is attractive to residents and visitors alike, integrates successfully with the surrounding area and delivers a significant number of new homes in line with the Leader’s City for All 2017/18 priorities.


3.         An entirely new scheme is required to meet the aspirations of residents by providing innovative affordable tenure solutions, attracting the market through commercial viability, balance demand on the Housing Revenue Account, and deliver a development of exceptional quality driven by scale, value, quality and underpinned by design principles that ensure the optimum outcome for housing numbers, financial returns and regeneration benefits.