Issue - decisions

Greater London Authority regeneration funding

12/05/2017 - Greater London Authority regeneration funding

1.            That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972, Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3, in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


2.            That the Cabinet Member for Housing:


2.1       Agreed to delegate authority to the Director of Housing and Regeneration in consultation with the City Treasurer:

(a)        To enter into the Borough Intervention Agreement for Lisson Arches for the sum as set out in the report;

(b)        To enter into all the documentation required to implement the  provisions of the Borough Intervention Agreement for Lisson Arches relevant details of which are set out in this report, and any ancillary and or variations of the documentation relating thereto, and;

                        (c)        To negotiate a further Borough Intervention Agreement for the Edgware Road Housing Zone for the sum as set out in the report, of which completion of this agreement will be subject to a further report.


Reasons for Decision


1.            The Greater London Authority (GLA) are able to offer financial assistance to the Council to help meet the costs of developing the scheme at Lisson Arches and to help with the costs of acquiring leasehold interests at Church Street.


2.            The support of the GLA Housing Team through the Housing Zone programme assists in discussions with other parts of the GLA (Transport for London for example) or other public landowners in the area.


3.            This is a committed programme of which Westminster is a part and drawing down this funding is a benefit of the programme and it will unlock a further sum to assist with Church Street.