Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Business, Licensing and Planning
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To consider the examiner's recommendations on the Soho Neighbourhood Plan and whether to proceed to referendum
The Cabinet Member agreed:
A) That the recommendations of the examiner as set out in the council’s decision statement (set out at Appendix 1 to the report) be accepted.
That in accordance
with the examiner’s recommendation, the Soho Neighbourhood
Plan, as modified in Appendix 2 to the
proceed to two referendums (as is required for designated business
neighbourhood areas).
C) That in accordance with the examiner’s recommendation, the referendum area be restricted to the neighbourhood area designated by the council on 5th April 2013 as the Soho Neighbourhood Area.
D) That if the results of the two referendums are in support of the approval of the plan, the council proceeds to formally make the plan.
The examiner’s recommendations will ensure the Soho Neighbourhood Plan is clear and effective as a framework for making decisions on planning applications in the Soho Neighbourhood Area. The recommendations address the concerns raised by the council and other stakeholders, and ensure the plan meets the basic conditions prescribed by legislation.
Before a neighbourhood plan can be made, it is a statutory requirement that it is first subject to two referendums in areas that are designated as business neighbourhood areas. Before this happens, the council must publish a decision statement setting out the actions it proposes to take in response to the examiner’s report.
Publication date: 05/05/2021
Date of decision: 05/05/2021
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