Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Young People, Learning and Leisure
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Speech & Language Education Service, commissioned jointly with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, delivers a variety of statutory and non-statutory activities to children and young people with Speech, Language and Communication Needs, as well consultation, guidance and training for partners and parents/carers.
A re-procurement exercise is currently being undertaken, jointly with RBKC, to identify the most suitable supplier to meet our updated specification and delivery requirements for the next 5-7 years.
This Key Decision will seek approval to award the new contract to the supplier which is recommended at the conclusion of the re-procurement process. The contract is anticipated to start on 1st September 2023 for a period of 5 years to 31st August 2028, with the option to extend for an additional 2 years up to 31st August 2030.
The Cabinet Member for Young People, Culture and Learning has approved the following recommendations:
· The award of a new 5+2-year contract for the Speech and Language Therapy Education Service, worth £10,218,808 to CLCH as the recommended supplier at the conclusion of the procurement process.
· The award a 2+2-year contract to CLCH to implement and deliver the Intensive Targeted Support pilot using the NHS monies, for up to £2.106m across the Bi-Borough. The Council will establish a Partnership Board with CLCH, Schools, and parents to develop the operating model which means that costs to CLCH for their delivery of the pilot may vary if it is agreed that schools also deliver part of the provision.
Reasons for Decision
The decision was taken in February 2023 to undertake a competitive re-procurement process to determine the award of a new contract from September 2023 onwards. This has provided an opportunity to update the service specification and delivery model, test the market and derive value for money, and to secure continuity of service for a longer period of 5-7 years.
The service is jointly commissioned with The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and is currently delivered in both boroughs by CLCH.
Publication date: 20/07/2023
Date of decision: 19/07/2023
Effective from: 28/07/2023
Accompanying Documents: