Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters has approved the following:
· Proposed change of tenure and units from 18 intermediate rent affordable homes to ten social rent affordable homes at the Councils Balmoral Castle Darwin House scheme.
· Change of tenure to one affordable unit in the Community Supportive Housing block (Block A) from affordable to private, for use by the Scheme Manager in connection with the ongoing operation of CSH Block.
· Increased expenditure of £0.837m (increasing the total approved expenditure from £40.183m previously to £41.020m).
· Use of Right to Buy receipts to increase the funding forecast. This will offset the additional expenditure requirements (see recommendation 2.2.3)
· Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning (REP) to:
o Approve any necessary terms to effect recommendations
o Amend and implement planning as required to carry out the recommendations
o In consultation with the Director of Law, to enter into and or amend any existing legal and financial documents and planning agreements to effect recommendations set out in this report
o Note that a Local Lettings Plan will be put in place prioritising new affordable homes for local residents.
o Note that the Council may in the future change the tenure, dispose of or let the private unit within the CSH (Block A) at its discretion in accordance with the powers vested within it.
Reasons for Decision
A decision is required to faciltate existing Scheme Management arrangements in Block A, in addition to securing expenditure and implementing changes to Block B to deliver large family homes for social rent in line with the Council’s Truly Affordable Housing Strategy.The changes will deliver ten new Council homes for social rent. eight of which are four bed homes, thereby increasing the Council’s supply of hardest to find homes.
Publication date: 28/08/2024
Date of decision: 05/09/2024
Effective from: 13/09/2024
Accompanying Documents: