Decision details

Westminster Community Hubs Programme

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Communities

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Summary of Decision


The Cabinet Member for Communities has approved the proposed approach and delivery model to develop the city-wide Community Hubs Programme, and the approved the proposed funding approach, including capital and revenue drawn down and spend for Ernest Harriss House and Bayswater Children’s Centre community hubs. The Cabinet Member has also approved the delegation of authority to the Executive Director of Environment and Communities following consultation with the Executive Director of Finance and Resources to approve any further decisions on expenditure of allocated Hub funds, and any necessary agreements and related arrangements to enable the Community Hubs Programme.


Finally, the Cabinet Member has noted the information provided on the Charing Cross and Victoria Library mini hubs programme as detailed in the report.


Reasons for Decision


In 2022, Westminster City Council launched its new Fairer Westminster agenda, establishing a range of commitments to improve life outcomes for Westminster residents under five key pillars. The Fairer Westminster plan includes the delivery of a set of new ‘Community Hubs’, which should strengthen community connections and make it easier for local communities to access different services in one place throughout neighbourhoods.


This report sets out the Community Hubs Programme’s recommended approach and delivery model, which aims to fulfil the Council’s on-going commitments to create a more equitable borough. This includes the Programme’s wider aims and objectives, approach and planned programme areas and investments, and also seeks approval to progress project delivery, by progressing the pre-planning stage of the Bayswater Children’s Centre and next steps of Ernest Harriss House community hubs.


Publication date: 18/09/2024

Date of decision: 26/09/2024

Effective from: 04/10/2024

Accompanying Documents: