Decision details

Public Conveniences Contract Award

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Decision to award a new contract for the cleaning and compliance maintenance of public conveniences.  


Summary of decision

That the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality approve the contract award to Carlisle Cleaning Services Limited for a period of five years (with the potential to extend for a further five years). This will take effect from 1January 2025, for Services relating to Westminster’s Public Conveniences for a contract amount of £7,280,586 for the five-year period (total contract cost of £17,023,653 for 10 years).

There is an extension variation is in place to allow service continuity when the existing contract expires 30 November 2024, for the contract award process to be completed and will cover the period 1 December 2024 to 31 December 2024. 

Reasons for decision

While the Council is not legally required to provide Public Conveniences we have an ambition to do so, as shown in our Strategy for Public Conveniences agreed in the summer of 2023. 

The Council is obliged to maintain the Public Conveniences that it does provide in a safe and hygienic manner for the safety of the residents and visitors to the borough.

The proposed contract award for maintenance and management of such public conveniences to high standards of safety and hygiene would be in fulfilment of such Council’s obligations. The award of a new Services contract will allow the long-term continuity of services. 

The Services required includes cleansing, compliance, maintenance, and management of the Public Convenience facilities, and are expected to occur for the full five-year period. There is also a provision for a five-year extension of this contract. 



Publication date: 04/12/2024

Date of decision: 12/12/2024

Effective from: 20/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: