Decision details

Ebury Bridge Renewal – Phase 2 Project Manager/Employers Agent (PM/EA) and Client Monitoring Team (CMT) Contract Extensions

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes




The Ebury Regeneration scheme is one of the Council’s largest estate development schemes. Once completed, it will deliver 781 homes of various sizes, across nine tower blocks. Ebury Phase 1 will deliver two high-rise blocks (Buildings 7 and 8), a total of circa 224 new homes. Ebury Phase 2 will deliver approximately 337 new homes across five tower blocks (buildings 1,2,3,5 and 6 . Ebury Phase 3 is currently estimated to deliver a total of 220 homes across two tower blocks (Buildings 4 and 9).  


This report seeks approval for a variation to the original contract value with Gardiner and Theobald LLP (G&T) for the provision of Project Management and Employer’s Agent (PM/EA) for Ebury Bridge Regeneration in respect of Phase 2 only. The cost of Phase 3 remains unchanged from the original contract with services to be provided through to Practical Completion on the schemes. The original contract was approved and awarded on 22nd November 2021 – refer to Appendix A for Cabinet Member Report. Further Cabinet Member approval is required as the value of the contract variation has exceeded 10% of the original contract value due to extended programme and increased scope of services.



The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters approves the contract variation for the provision of Project Management and Employer’s Agent (PM/EA) services in respect of Phase 2 only, with the cost of Phase 3 remaining as per the original contract with Gardiner & Theobald LLP. The original contract sum approved is for a value of £6,126,855 ex VAT (£7,352,226 incl. VAT). The increased contract sum is now £7,806,090 ex VAT (£9,367,308 incl. VAT).


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Renters also approves spend of £4,103,528 excl. VAT (£4,924,234 incl. VAT) to Gardiner and Theobald LLP for required PM/EA services for Ebury Phase 2 only. In November 2021, the Cabinet Member approved an expenditure of £996,135 against G&T's original contract sum. The figure of £4,103,528 is the balance required to achieve the revised contract sum of £5,099,663. 

Publication date: 12/12/2024

Date of decision: 20/12/2024

Effective from: 28/12/2024

Accompanying Documents: