Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Cabinet agreed the following recommendations:
· Noted the Annual Report 2023/24 of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB), with particular regard to the arrangements that have been put in place to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014 from 1 April 2015
· Endorsed the strategy and the priorities informing the Board’s current work.
Reasons for Decision
The Board must publish a report of what it has done during the year to achieve its objectives, including findings of the reviews arranged by it under Section 44 of the Act.
Implementation Date: N/A
Publication date: 17/12/2024
Date of decision: 16/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Cabinet
Accompanying Documents: