Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality approves the detailed proposals for the Highways PPM programme for 2025/26 at an estimated gross cost of £9,715,000.
The Cabinet Member approves the detailed proposals for Public Lighting PPM programme for 2025/26 at an estimated gross cost of £ 3,002,000, as well as the detailed proposals for the Bridges and Structures PPM programme for 2025/26 at an estimated gross cost of £1,865,020.
The Cabinet Member therefore approves the gross capital expenditure of £14,582,020 (net capital expenditure of £13,521,115) for 2025/26.
The Cabinet Member also delegates to the Interim Director for City Highways the authority to make changes to the programmes agreed in recommendations 2.2 to 2.4, subject to the proviso that the overall budget is not exceeded and that the Cabinet Member is consulted on any significant changes.
Reasons for Decision
All assets deteriorate over time and any work aimed at maintaining the durability of the asset is classed as programmed maintenance. Such work prolongs the life of the asset and/or maintains structural capacity and is therefore considered as capital expenditure. Each year the Council’s regular inspection and testing programmes determine the current condition of the various highway assets (Carriageways, Footways, Lighting and Bridges & Structures) and identify the forward investment needs that will keep the highway network in a safe and reliable condition. The proposed Planned Preventative Maintenance programme set out in this report will ensure that the Council’s assets remain safe and effective.
Publication date: 17/12/2024
Date of decision: 27/12/2024
Effective from: 07/01/2025
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