Decision details

Application to the Secretary of State for a Regulation 7 Direction to remove deemed consent for display of Estate Agents' Boards

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


A Regulation 7 Direction will remove deemed consent for display of Estate Agents’ Boards thereby protecting the visual amenity and character of the city. The current Direction is due to expire in May 2025.


Summary of Decision: The Cabinet Member for Planning and Economic Development has taken the decision to approve consultation of, and subsequent application to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government for a Regulation 7 Direction. The Direction would remove deemed consent for the display of estate agents’ boards in the whole of the city indefinitely, and if this is not acceptable, the renewal of the existing Direction and expansion to cover all conservation areas, pursuant to regulation 7(5)(c). 


Reason for Decision: There is an existing Regulation 7 Direction which expires in May 2025. This has been an effective tool in managing the proliferation of estate agents’ boards in identified conservation areas. The current Direction covers several but not all conservation areas, and some areas immediately adjacent them. As a minimum, continued coverage of these areas, plus expansion to apply to all conservation areas in the city is necessary so their character can continue to be conserved and enhanced. City-wide coverage is also now sought to enable a more equitable approach to the management and protection of the character of the physical environment in line with the objectives of a Fairer Westminster. 

Publication date: 31/12/2024

Date of decision: 09/01/2025

Accompanying Documents: