Decision Maker: Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: No
Decision Taken:
Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy & Planning to approve the to endorse a direct award to appoint Martin Arnold (Reg No. OC315838) as the Council’s consultant to deliver Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Services (incl. Quantity Surveyor, Employer’s Agent and Construction Design Management (CDM) Advisor) to support the delivery of the remaining Main Build Construction works for
Torridon House development, for a value of up to £74,718.75 excl. VAT (£89,662.50 incl. VAT). This appointment can be covered under a RoOED in line with the Council’s Financial Regulations.
Reason for the Decision:
The provision of Multi-Disciplinary Services is critical to the successful delivery of the Torridon House development, with Practical Completion anticipated November 2025. Martin Arnold were the original Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Team appointed to support the delivery of Torridon House development, which they carried out up to the point of Geoffrey Osborne entering administration in late April. By appointing Martin Arnold, the Council will benefit from: · Experience – Through working with members, councillors and the community, Martin Arnold have built considerable experience of the political and local sensitivities in Westminster and the project, experience that cannot be transferred. · Time Constraints– If not retained, the alternative option would be to run a full tender exercise for new multi-disciplinary services. However, any new consultant would need to be brought up to speed on the project challenges, community, and political sensitivities, which could prolong the timeline to complete the works and create additional cost burden for the Council. · Project Continuity – Through their work to date, Martin Arnold would be able to pick up the work seamlessly and assist new members of the professional team in understanding the challenges and sensitivities with the scheme.
Publication date: 10/01/2025
Date of decision: 08/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: