Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters, Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for Climate Action, Regeneration and Renters has:
- Approved the variations to the Arcadis contract of £1.78m under the procurement regulations, following their approval at CGRB on 30th August 2023.
- Noted the expenditure to date of £6.8m, including £1.2m of spend above the previous financial authority of £5.6m. The expenditure to date is set out in detail in section 5 of this report.
- Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy & Planning to approve the appointment and the enactment of a further phase of work (phase four) of the contract with Arcadis LLP, if deemed appropriate by the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy & Planning.
- And approved the spend of £925k which is the balance of the £1.78m variation. This is detailed in table 1 and will take the project up to the Final Business Case stage, following endorsement at CRG on 23rd May 2023 and CGRB 30th August 2023.
Reasons for Decision
The Multi-Disciplinary Consultant Team (MDCT), led by Arcadis LLP (Arcadis) have been instrumental in the progress of the project. As is the nature of large regeneration schemes, the project requirements have evolved throughout the lifetime of the project and the brief has had to be varied in response to that.
The key reasons for the contract variations:
· A full review of the Stage 2 design, by new architects, early 2020.
· Additional requirements to improve sustainability and NZCO status.
· Additional project management support for JV Procurement and an additional round of soft market testing.
· Options analysis work to consider design changes to Fire Safety Regulations (draft BS9991), tenure mix options and library options from November/December 2022.
· Design work required to incorporate the additional staircase, design coordination through planning submission and amendments to technical documents due to design change, Jan/Feb 2023.
Publication date: 14/12/2023
Date of decision: 14/12/2023
Effective from: 22/12/2023
Accompanying Documents: