Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Housing Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for Housing Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform has:
1. Approved the proposed catchment area in section 4.11 of the report for acquiring Temporary Accommodation;
2. Approved the acquisition of properties for the purpose of TA subject to meeting the criteria as per this report and supporting appendices (and that properties which do not fully meet the criteria may still be pursued subject to Cabinet Member consultation);
3. Delegated the approval of each individual acquisition that meets the criteria in recommendation 2 to the Strategic Director for Housing and Commercial Partnerships (or such officer whom they delegate to);
4. Approved the proposed team structure and associated costs of the team;
5. Noted the updated financial information provided in the report;
6. Delegated approval to the Executive Director of Democracy, Law and People, subject to recommendation 3, to enter into any legal agreements required to facilitate the acquisitions of the TA properties.
Reasons for Decision
The Council has a statutory obligation to provide housing for those in housing need. The on-going purchase of units for use as TA (and the extension of this programme) has two key benefits. Firstly, it helps the Council to meet increasing demand from homeless households by providing a ready supply of accommodation. Secondly, it provides security for the Council in terms of the cost of this provision and leaves it less exposed to fluctuations in rent costs in the private market and using hotel accommodation.
Publication date: 19/12/2023
Date of decision: 29/12/2023
Effective from: 09/01/2024
Accompanying Documents: