Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Housing Services
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Summary of Decision
The Cabinet Member for Housing Services has agreed:
1. The approach to social lettings set out in section 8 of the report and Appendix B
2. The changes to the Allocation Scheme outlined in section 6 of the report
3. The updated Accommodation Procurement Policy Action Plan 2023/24 in Appendix D.
Reasons for Decision
The council’s Housing Allocation Scheme is read alongside the annual Supply and Allocation of Social Housing Report, which sets out the proportion of social housing the council expects to let to the different groups in need. These lettings projections are needed to guide the approach to lettings during the year.
The Report is also needed in order to consider and update wider policies relating to the allocation of social and private housing for households on the council’s housing register and to update any policy changes in relation to intermediate housing.
Publication date: 05/02/2024
Date of decision: 13/02/2024
Effective from: 21/02/2024
Accompanying Documents: