Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Council Reform:
1. Approves each of the proposals for the allocation of the £1,951,507 Household Support Fund outlined in section 5 of this report to the city’s most vulnerable residents.
2. Delegates authority to the Executive Director of Finance and Resources to flex each of the processes, including the level of funding allocated and voucher amounts, inorder to ensure the Household Support Fund is fully utilised in line with its conditions.
Reasons for Decision
The recommended approach set out in Section 5 of this report takes into account the limited funding envelope and provides help to those most at risk due to the crisis based on an analysis of need. It is in line with the government guidance for use of the Household Support Fund and is deliverable within the funding period. The approach also takes a balanced approach, providing a mixture of proactive and more general support.
Publication date: 08/05/2024
Date of decision: 16/05/2024
Effective from: 24/05/2024
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