Decision details

North Paddington Programme – Years 2-4 Programmes of work

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


This report will outline the proposed areas of work the North Paddington Programme will focus on from year 2 onwards.  


It will explain the process used to ensure local community input has shaped this work and seeks Cabinet approval to move forwards and initiative work.


Cabinet approved:


Spend of the remaining North Paddington budget, subject to further feasibility and project scoping (where required), to fund the Years’ 2-4 indicative programme of works, as detailed in Appendix 1 (“Years’ 2-4 Programme of Works”).


The Years’ 2-4 indicative programme of Works (Appendix 1) and notes that some of the indicative Years’ 2-4 programme of works’ projects will, enter a feasibility and pilot stage, if required, before moving to full delivery (subject to due diligence), by drawing on the full North Paddington years' 2-4 budget.


Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy and Planning, to initiate and deliver projects in the Years’ 2-4 indicative programme of works; conduct any necessary procurement exercises; agree commercial terms and enter into all associated legal agreements and documentation subject to the agreement of the Director of Law. 


Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Economy, and Planning to amend, reprofile and reallocate any underspend from the year 1 Programme to Years 2-4 Programme of Works and amend, reprofile reallocate and spend funds earmarked for the North Paddington Programme on Years’ 2-4 programme of works, where such changes should not exceed the overall budget envelope, as detailed in Section 7 of the report.  


Noted the findings from the Year 1 North Paddington Review (by evaluators RealWorth) and noted its recommended steer for future focus as detailed in Appendix 7 of the report. 


Reasons for Decision:


Approval is required for the delivery of the Years’ 2-4 programme of works. 


These decisions reflect approvals for the proposed programme of works, delegated authority and spend approvals, which govern the overall Programme. 



Implementation Date: 5pm 22/7/24

Report author: Sarah Crampton

Publication date: 15/07/2024

Date of decision: 15/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 15/07/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/07/2024

Accompanying Documents: