6 Ebury Bridge Regeneration Compulsory Purchase Order Resolution PDF 604 KB
Report of the Executive Director for Growth, Planning and Housing.
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Councillor Acton introduced this report by explaining that Ebury Bridge Estate is one of five priority housing estates identified in the Westminster Housing Renewal Strategy 2010 as requiring significant investment.
"In principle" approval to use the Council's statutory compulsory purchase powers to assemble the Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal scheme site for phases beyond the first phase was agreed by Cabinet in July 2020. This report asks Cabinet to approve the making of a compulsory purchase order of land and property required for the redevelopment of the Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal scheme beyond the first phase, whilst continuing to negotiate and complete acquisitions of legal interests, on the basis of the statutory Compulsory Purchase Compensation Code.
Councillor Acton went on to explain that in the initial phase, no compulsory purchase orders had to be made and that it would remain the focus in subsequent phases to achieve vacant possession in the same way. Compulsory purchase powers will only be used as a measure of last resort.
Councillor Acton told Cabinet that 92 households had already moved on a voluntary basis and that more moves are currently under negotiation.
Debbie Jackson, Executive Director of Growth, Planning and Housing explained that the Church Street Recommendation is “in principal” because there is no planning approval yet in place. However, Ebury is a full recommendation as planning permission has already been granted.
Councillor Robathan enquired about the scale of resource given that the emphasis is on negotiating and reaching agreements with individual households and not on invoking compulsory purchase powers.
Cabinet was told that there is a dedicated officer, supported by external advisors, working on resident negotiations; the officer is dedicated to working with families to achieve mutually agreeable results.
Councillor Robathan asked whether there was sufficient capacity in the south of the city to allow residents to remain in the area and was assured that where possible officers would place households within Westminster’s existing estates.
Resolved: Cabinet agree to the making of a compulsory purchase order of land and property required for the redevelopment of the Ebury Bridge Estate Renewal scheme beyond the first phase, whilst continuing to negotiate and complete acquisitions of legal interests, on the basis of the statutory Compulsory Purchase Compensation Code.