7 Fees and Charges Review PDF 233 KB
To approve the unchanged Fees and Charges Policy, changes to fees and charges as outlined in Appendix 2, and approve that authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Finance and Resources to make minor or technical adjustments to any fees and charges in year, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
Additional documents:
Cabinet approved the following recommendations:
· Approve the changes to fees and charges as outlined in Appendix 2 of this report 2.
· Approve that authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Finance and Resources to make minor or technical adjustments to any fees and charges in year, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
· Approve the unchanged Fees and Charges Policy at Appendix 1.
· Note the outcome of the call-in on the parking fee structure review which is being heard on 6 December 2023, the outcome of which will be reported to the Cabinet orally at the meeting.
Reasons for decision:
To agree the Council’s fees and charges position and changes from 1 January 2024 at the earliest.
Cllr Hug noted that this was an annual report which Cabinet must take a decision on and invited Cllr Boothroyd and Gerald Almeroth to speak to the report.
Cllr Boothroyd noted that it was comprehensive and coordinated look at fees and charges, which make far greater contribution to the Budget than annual council tax.
Cllr Boothroyd noted that fees are generally increased by September CPI which the Council was intending to follow.
Cllr Boothroyd highlighted that there are specific areas where there are additional costs or Council fees are out of line comparable and the increase will be greater, which allows the Council to keep some fees down in specific services, for example health and wellbeing group activities in leisure.
Gerald Almeroth noted inflation using here is 6.7% and that where policy is different to just recovering costs or the Council has a specific policy aim, that is set out separately.
Gerald Almeroth noted that some charges to be implemented in January and would impact income to the Council in the current year.
Cllr Hug noted his thanks for the work on the report.
Cllr Barraclough highlighted that discretionary planning fees are increasing to ensure a high-quality service which has been discussed and agreed with the real estate industry.
Frances Martin noted that the report stated that emissions based charges were subject to a call-in, and that the meeting had been held and no changes had been made.
RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendations:
· Approve the changes to fees and charges as outlined in Appendix 2 of this report
· Approve that authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Finance and Resources to make minor or technical adjustments to any fees and charges in year, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.
· Approve the unchanged Fees and Charges Policy at Appendix 1.
· Note the outcome of the call-in on the parking fee structure review which is being heard on 6 December 2023, the outcome of which will be reported to the Cabinet orally at the meeting.