Issue - meetings

Safeguarding Adults Executive Board Annual Report 22/23

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 4)

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To consider and note the Annual Report 2022/23 of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB), with particular regard to the arrangements that have been put in place to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014.


Additional documents:


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

·       Considered the Annual Report 2022/23 of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB), with particular regard to the arrangements that have been put in place to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014.


Reasons for decision

The report is the 2022/23 Annual Report of the Safeguarding Adult Executive Board (SAEB) who provide the leadership for adult safeguarding across Westminster and RBKC, and complies with the Council’s statutory duty to publish an annual report which includes business plan for the year and any Safeguarding Adult reviews.



Cllr Hug invited Cllr Butler-Thalassis to speak to the report and noted his congratulations on her recent election as Deputy Leader.


Cllr Butler-Thalassis noted her thanks to the team for the hard work that had gone into the report and highlighted its focus on working with communities.


Aileen Buckton, Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB) Chair, noted that the real focus for the year was working in the community and with a number of VCS organisations including BME Health Forum.


Aileen Buckton noted that this enabled safeguarding ambassadors to work with different communities that SAEB hadn’t had contact with before, and in different languages.


Aileen Buckton highlighted that a high percentage of people in Westminster who have been subjected to a safeguarding concern felt that it was handled well and that they were listened to, which is above London average.


Aiken Buckton noted that the report provided a detailed record from individual organisations and the partnership on learnings from reviews and the way that those learnings are being embedded across the partnership.


Louise Butler noted that it was important to recognise outcomes for service users are high and above the London average, which is to the credit of frontline practitioners.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

·       Consider the Annual Report 2022/23 of the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB), with particular regard to the arrangements that have been put in place to meet the requirements of the Care Act 2014.