Issue - meetings

The Future of Regent Street and Haymarket

Meeting: 29/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 5)

5 The Future of Regent Street and Haymarket pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To approve the vision and project priorities to guide the development of the public realm design from All Souls to Regent’s Crescent; approve the partner requirements for Regent Street to make financial contributions totalling £1,786,000 and approve the partner requirements for Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus to secure financial contributions totalling £2,200,000 (£1.1m each) to continue to progress Haymarket and Piccadilly; and delegate any decisions relating to the above scope to the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality leading up to the public consultation in 2025 on the final public realm proposals for Phases 1 and 2.


Additional documents:


Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

·       Noted the findings from the 'Future of Regent Street' ("Regent Street") engagement, and approve the vision and project priorities to guide the development of the public realm design from All Souls to Regent’s Crescent.

·       Approved the partner requirements for Regent Street to make financial contributions totalling £1,786,000 (£893K each) to continue to progress the first phase ("Phase 1") of the project.

·       Noted the work to date by The Crown Estate on the vision and priorities for Haymarket District Plan and the planned development investment for this part of the West End, and agree to extend the scope of the Regent Street project to include Haymarket, Charles II Street, Jermyn Street East and Pall Mall East public realm ("Haymarket"), and to consider proposals for Piccadilly Circus and Pall Mall East as part of a second phase ("Phase 2") of the project.

·       Approved the partner requirements for Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus to secure financial contributions totalling £2,200,000 (£1.1m each) to continue to progress Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus ("Phase 2b") of the project, and agree that the £4m capital funding approved by Full Council on 8 March 2023 for Regent Street can also be utilised for this Phase.

·       Approved the concept of piloting and testing of ideas for the Regent Street and Haymarket projects to support the evidence-based approach for the public realm and highways design. The implementation of any pilots will be delegated to the Director of City Highways in conversation with the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality.

·       Delegated any decisions relating to the above scope to the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality leading up to the public consultation in 2025 on the final public realm proposals for Phases 1 and 2.


Reasons for decision

This report approves the next steps for a permanent public realm scheme for Regent Street and Haymarket, following extensive public engagement undertaken by the Council and the Crown Estate in summer 2023.


Cllr Hug invited Cllr Dimoldenberg to introduce the report.


Cllr Dimoldenberg welcomed the report and noted his thanks to officers and the Crown Estate who were involved in the extensive engagement and public consultation.


Cllr Dimoldenberg noted the report also looks at further work in the coming year, in relation to bringing Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus into the scheme, as well as north of Oxford Street.


Debbie Jackson presented an overview of the scheme and the work undertaken, including emerging and key priorities, design and delivery phasing options, and indicative milestones for delivery.


Debbie Jackson noted the vision for the scheme – Everyone’s Regent Street – will be the foundation to inform the upcoming public realm designs for Regent Street.


Frances Martin noted that on the points around pedestrian experience and expanding into Haymarket, heritage has come through as something that needs preserving but also utilising it as an asset to attract people.


Frances Martin noted that all possibilities are being looked at around nature, greening and carbon offsetting for works in these areas.


Cllr Barraclough welcomed the report and noted that it was ambitious yet deliverable, and is working closely with the Oxford Street programme, especially where the two intersect at Oxford Circus.


Cllr Hug thanked the team and noted that and having greater positivity from stakeholders who feel engaged in the process was crucial in moving forward with plans.


RESOLVED: Cabinet approved the following recommendations:

·       Note the findings from the 'Future of Regent Street' ("Regent Street") engagement, and approve the vision and project priorities to guide the development of the public realm design from All Souls to Regent’s Crescent.

·       Approve the partner requirements for Regent Street to make financial contributions totalling £1,786,000 (£893K each) to continue to progress the first phase ("Phase 1") of the project.

·       Note the work to date by The Crown Estate on the vision and priorities for Haymarket District Plan and the planned development investment for this part of the West End, and agree to extend the scope of the Regent Street project to include Haymarket, Charles II Street, Jermyn Street East and Pall Mall East public realm ("Haymarket"), and to consider proposals for Piccadilly Circus and Pall Mall East as part of a second phase ("Phase 2") of the project.

·       Approve the partner requirements for Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus to secure financial contributions totalling £2,200,000 (£1.1m each) to continue to progress Haymarket and Piccadilly Circus ("Phase 2b") of the project, and agree that the £4m capital funding approved by Full Council on 8 March 2023 for Regent Street can also be utilised for this Phase.

·       Approve the concept of piloting and testing of ideas for the Regent Street and Haymarket projects to support the evidence-based approach for the public realm and highways design. The implementation of any pilots will be delegated to the Director of City Highways in conversation with the Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality.

·       Delegate any decisions relating  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5