Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee (1) - Wednesday 22nd November, 2023 10.00 am

Venue: This is a Virtual Teams meeting.

Contact: Jack Robinson-Young, Committee and Councillor Co-ordinator  Email:


No. Item



To appoint a Chairman.


To report any further changes to the membership.


1.1       There were no changes to the membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


2.1       There were no declarations of interest.


4 Greek Street, W1D 4DB pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

West End


* West End


** None


4 Greek Street



Shadow Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



 (“The Committee”)


Wednesday 22 November 2023


Membership:           Councillor Iman Less (Chair) and Councillor Karen Scarborough


Officer Support        Legal Advisor:         Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:          Kerry Simpkin

                                Committee Officer:  Sarah Craddock

                                Presenting Officer:  Kevin Jackaman


Others present:       Niall McCann Keystone Law Solicitors representing Samocca Assets Ltd Mr Chaim Aziz (Managing Director) 


Application for a New Premises Licence - Shadow Licence 4 Greek Street London W1D 4DB 23/04566/LIPSL







Shadow Licence

4 Greek Street






Samocca Assets Limited




West End


Cumulative Impact


West End Cumulative Impact Zone (WCIZ)


Special Consideration Zone




Activities and Hours applied for


Live Music (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 02:00


Seasonal variations: Private entertainment - Unrestricted Hours


Playing of Recorded Music (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 00:00 to 00:00


Seasonal variations: Private entertainment - Unrestricted Hours


Performance of Dance (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 02:00


Seasonal variations: Private entertainment - Unrestricted Hours


Anything of a similar description to that falling within (e), (f) or (g)

Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 02:00


Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 02:00


Seasonal variations: Private entertainment - Unrestricted Hours


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors)


Monday to Saturday 23:00 to 02:30

Sunday 23:00 to 02:00


Seasonal Variations: Sunday before Bank Holidays: 23:00 to 02:30


Sale by Retail of Alcohol (On the Premises)


Monday to Saturday 10:00 to 02:00

Sunday 12:00 to 00:30


Seasonal Variations: Sunday before Bank Holidays: 12:00 to 02:00


The Opening Hours of the Premises:


Monday to Saturday: 09:00 to 02:30

Sunday: 09:00 to 02:00


Seasonal Variations: Sundays before Bank Holidays: 09:00 to 02:30


Summary of Application


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a Shadow Premises Licence in respect of 4 Greek Street London W1D 4DB under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) under the same terms, conditions and plans as Premises Licence (23/04544/LIPDPS).


The Premises benefits from two Premises Licences. The first Premises Licence (21/10072/LIPVM) was granted in full by a Licensing Sub-Committee in October 2013. Officers granted under delegated powers in October 2020 an application

for a shadow licence (23/04544/LIPDPS) which was made on the same terms, conditions and plans of 21/10072/LIPVM.


In July 2023, the landlord transferred licence number 23/04544/LIPDPS to a Mr Elliott Dennis Rogers so he was able to use this licence. As both premises licences are on the same terms and conditions only a copy of premises licences 23/04544/LIPDPS can be found at Appendix 2 of the agenda report.


During consultation, the Applicant agreed an amended model condition MC97 with the Licensing Authority. This can be found at Appendix 5.


The Premises are located within the West End Ward and West End Cumulative Impact Zone. There is a presumption to refuse the application unless an exception to policy is made. The matter was assessed on its individual merits having regard to the evidence before the Licensing Sub-Committee and the promotion of the licensing objectives.


A written submission was produced by the solicitors acting for the Applicant and this can be found  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


15 Old Burlington Street, W1X 1RL pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

West End


* None


** West End Buffer


15 Old Burlington Street



New Premises Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 22 November 2023


Membership:           Councillor Iman Less (Chair) and Councillor Karen Scarborough


Officer Support        Legal Advisor:         Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:          Kerry Simpkin

                                Committee Officer:  Sarah Craddock

                                Presenting Officer:  Kevin Jackaman


Others present:       Mr Marcus Lavell (Counsel, Keystone Law), Mr Aaron Miller and Mr John Comon (Applicant Company), PC Dave Morgan (Metropolitan Police Service), Mrs Ayesha Bolton (Environmental Health Service), Mr Richard Brown (Solicitor, Westminster Licensing Project) representing local residents.


Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of 15 Old Burlington Street London W1X 1RL 23/04863/LIPN





Case Summary


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a New Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) in respect of 15 Old Burlington Street London W1X 1RL (“The Premises”). The Premises intends to operate as a lounge and restaurant. The Premises has had the benefit of a premises licence since 2015. The current premises licence (22/08753/LIPDPS) can be viewed at Appendix 4 of the agenda report.


A full licence history and Temporary Event Notice history for the premises appears at Appendix 5.


The Applicant has submitted the following documents:


        A copy of a mediation email for an interested party which can be seen at Appendix 3.


The Premises are located within the West End Ward and the West End Buffer. There is no policy presumption to refuse applications for a restaurant premises outside of the West End CIZ provided that they do not undermine the licensing objectives.

The Applicant is required to demonstrate the requirements contained in paragraphs D47 and D48 on page 55 of the SLP (Robberies, theft, ASB on around public transport and incidents relating to ambulance call outs at night to the locations of licensed premises for intoxication injury related to intoxication and/or assault).


The matter was assessed on its individual merits having regard to the evidence before the Licensing Sub-Committee and the promotion of the licensing objectives.

Representations were received from the Environmental Health Service, Metropolitan Police Service and two local residents all citing concerns regarding public nuisance and crime and disorder.


There is a resident count of 2.




15 Old Burlington Street






Tokyo Industries (Mayfair) Limited




West End


Special Consideration Zone


West End Buffer


Activities and Hours


Live Music, Recorded (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 10:00 to 03:00


Seasonal Variations: All licensable activities shall be extended from the end of

permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day. On the day British Summer Time commences: one additional hour following the terminal hour


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 02:30


Seasonal Variations: All licensable activities shall be extended from the end of

permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day. On the day British Summer Time commences: one additional hour following the terminal hour.


Sale by Retail of Alcohol (On and Off  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


Six Senses Hotel - Whiteleys, 1 Redan Place, W2 4SA pdf icon PDF 4 MB


Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.



* None






Six Senses Hotel – Whiteleys

1 Redan Place

W2 4SA


New Premises Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 22 November 2023


Membership:           Councillor Iman Less (Chair) Councillor Karen Scarborough


Officer Support        Legal Advisor:         Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:          Kerry Simpkin

                                Committee Officer:  Sarah Craddock

                                Presenting Officer:  Kevin Jackaman


Others present:       Mr Craig Baylis, Mr Andrew Wong and Mr Marcus Lavell (Solicitors, Keystone Law), Mr Richard Luffingham (Applicant’s Representative and Project Manager), Mr Nick Yarnell (General Manager), Ms Alesha Bolton (Environmental Health Service), Mr Richard Brown (Solicitor, Westminster Citizens Advice) representing SEBRA and Mr John Zamit (SEBRA).


Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of Six Senses Hotel Whiteleys 1 Redan Place London W2 4SA 23/04380/LIPN




Summary of Application


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a New Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) in respect of Six Senses Hotel Whiteleys 1 Redan Place London W2 4SA (“The Premises”).  The Premises intends to operate as a five-star hotel.


The Applicant has produced a further written submission way of a supporting bundle containing witness statements, various policies and plans together with revised conditions on pages 7-76 of the additional papers.


The Premises are located within the Bayswater Ward West End Ward and the Bayswater/Queensway SCZ. There is no policy presumption to refuse applications for a hotel premises outside of the West End CIZ. However, the Applicant is required to demonstrate the requirements contained in paragraphs D49 and D50 on page 56 of the SLP (Elevated levels of noise nuisance at night, illegal waste, incidents relating to ambulance call outs at night to the locations of licensed premises for intoxication, injury related to intoxication and/or assault, serious violent crimes and robberies at night).


There is a resident count of 225.




Six Senses Hotel


1 Redan Place


W2 4SA




Whiteley Devco Limited






Cumulative Impact Zone




Special Consideration Zone


Bayswater/Queensway SCZ


Activities and Hours


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors and Outdoors)


Monday to Sunday 23:00 to 05:00


Seasonal Variations: All licensable activities shall be extended from the end of

permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day. An additional hour to the standard and non-standard times on the day when British Summertime commences.


Sale by Retail of Alcohol (On and Off the Premises)


Monday to Sunday 00:00 to 00:00


Seasonal Variations: Off sales of alcohol are to cease at 23:00 daily. All licensable activities shall be extended from the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day. An additional hour to the standard and non-standard times on the day when British Summertime commences.


Live Music, Recorded Music, Plays. Exhibition of Films, Performance of Dance, Anything of a similar description of music and dance (Indoors)


Monday to Sunday 00:00 to 00:00


Seasonal Variations: All licensable activities shall be extended from the end of

permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day. An additional  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.