Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Monday 16th December, 2019 4.00 pm

Venue: Lord Mayor's Parlour - 19th Floor, City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Tristan Fieldsend Committee and Governance Officer  Tel: 7641 2341; Email:

No. Item



The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting.


1.1           Councillor Heather Acton welcomed everyone to the meeting. The joint Board confirmed that as the meeting was being held within Westminster, Councillor Acton would Chair the meeting in line with the agreed memorandum of understanding.


1.2      The Chair explained that the Joint Board had chosen three Health and Wellbeing priorities with this meeting themed around mental health and resilience and dementia.



To report any changes to the Membership of the meeting.


2.1       Apologies for absence were received from, Dr Neville Purssell (Chair of the Central London CCG), Jules Martin (Executive Director – Central London CCG), Louise Proctor (Managing Director of the West London CCG), Senel Arkut (Bi-Borough - Head of Health Partnerships and Development), Sara Sutton (WCC - Executive Director of City Management and Communities), Lesley Watts (Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), Claire Wise (RBKC – Head of Homelessness), Rachel Sharpe (RBKC – Director of Housing Needs and Supply), Sue Harris (Executive Director Environment & Communities), Sebastian Adjei-Addoh (Metropolitan Police), Dr Andrew Steeden (Chair of West London CCG), Paul Kavanagh (London Fire Brigade) and Darren Tulley (London Fire Brigade).



To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


3.1      There were no declarations of interest.



To agree the Minutes of Westminster City Council’s and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 10 October 2019.




2.1           That the minutes of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster City Council joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 10 October 2019 be agreed as a correct record of proceedings.



The Board to receive an update on:


·       Mental Health and Personal Resilience; and


·       the Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Plan.

Additional documents:


Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing in Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster


2.1           Jeff Lake (Deputy Director of Public Health) provided the Board with an overview of the services and activities that promoted emotional health and wellbeing and prevented mental ill health in children and young people.


2.2           The Board was interested to note how a person’s physical and mental health and wellbeing was influenced throughout their life by the wider determinants of health, which were a diverse range of social, economic and environmental factors, alongside behavioural risk factors. A life course approach was being adopted which meant identifying key opportunities for minimising risk factors and enhancing protective factors through evidence-based interventions at key life stages; from preconception, to early years and adolescence, working age and into older age. An overview was then provided of the variety of local prevention and promotion services that contributed towards improving mental health and wellbeing and how these services were funded.


2.3           The Board held a detailed discussion on the following aspects of the paper:


·         Analysis of data for the local population indicated that deprivation, poverty and homelessness were particular challenges across Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. It was explained that more than half of temporary accommodation provided to those families at risk of homelessness were located outside of the borough. The Board was pleased to note that the needs of these families had been mapped and there was a good understanding of the pre-birth to 5 pathway. Work was underway to redesign the service and target those families at an early stage who required additional support.


·         In response to a question over weaknesses identified in the current system it was explained that overall the situation was very positive. It was recognised that residents and patients did identify the complexity of the offer as an issue but the implementation of the Family Hubs was helping to link together services and increase awareness amongst residents of what services were available.


5.4      The Board endorsed the coordination of provision in order to improve outcomes and ensure the best use of resources in addressing mental health concerns. It was requested though that the paper reflect the trauma informed systemic training being undertaken at the Family Hubs and the positive impact it was having on emotional wellbeing. Also, given the increasing levels of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children within the boroughs it was suggested that this element, and the challenges it posed, should potentially be reflected in the paper.


Joint CCG and Bi-borough Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Plan


5.5       Jon Daly (Strategic Commissioner for Children’s Services) and Simon Brauner-Cave (Children’s Commissioner - Central London CCG) introduced a report summarising the key elements of the Joint CCG and Bi-borough Children and Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Plan. It was explained that the Plan reflected the strength and importance of partnership working. It was an ambitious plan which set out the current provision and key next steps to improve the offer over the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.



To receive a verbal update.


6.1      Bernie Flaherty (Executive Director for Adult Social Care and Health) provided a verbal update on the Dementia Strategy. The Board was advised that the drafting of the Strategy was nearly complete with some final ongoing work being undertaken with key stakeholders to help further inform it. It was planned to bring it to the Board in February 2020 for comment with formal approval expected in April 2020.



The Board to receive an update on planning for winter pressures. 

Additional documents:


7.1       James Partis (Programme Lead – Better Care Fund) and Ruth Davoll (West London CCG – Urgent Care Team) introduced papers setting out winter preparation plans for 2019/20.


7.2       James Partis informed the Board that there had been substantial partnership working involved in developing the Bi-borough plan and it represented a significant development on last year’s winter plan. This positive direction was a result of more security in terms of the government commitment to funding winter pressure planning. This provided better visibility on potential short to medium term interventions that could potentially need to be implemented going forward. The following areas of the Plan were then highlighted for the Board’s attention:


·                 Increasing reablement capacity;

·                 Investment in 24/7 home care;

·                 Investment in step down nursing beds;

·                Additional capacity for occupational therapy and significant support for the social care team at St Mary’s Hospital.


The Board was advised that it was anticipated that the Plan would provide positive measurable outcomes and contain a high level of detail over the winter period on the effectiveness of the plan. This would then provide a solid basis on which to continue to build future winter plans.


7.3      Ruth Davoll introduced the Chelwest AEDB system winter preparation plan for 2019/20 which was a collaboration of partners across both systems that sat around both the Chelsea and Westminster and West Middlesex sites. It was explained that the plan aimed to support operational resilience leading up to and throughout the winter period. The highlights of the Plan included:


·                 Reducing demand at A&E departments;

·                Supporting the flow of discharged patients in a timely way by ensuing patients received the right care at the right time in the right place;

·                Providing an outline of how pressure was managed in the system; and

·                Information on how infection was managed, along with details on flu vaccinations and a communication plan.


7.4      The Board welcomed the significant amount of partnership working that had been undertaken to produce the very detailed plans and welcomed receiving comparable data in future from the Imperial College NHS Trust. It was considered that the plans were very comprehensive and provided a significant improvement on previous years.


Youth Update


8.1      Sarah Newman (Bi-Borough Interim Executive Director of Children’s Services) provided a verbal update on current issues in the Children and Young People portfolio. The Board noted that Ofsted had recently carried out an inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services in Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea. The report had recently been published and had rated the service ‘Outstanding’ in all areas. The Board welcomed the news and expressed its its congratulations and thanks to all involved on this outstanding achievement.


8.2      The key challenges facing Children’s Services were detailed and these included:


·       Serious Youth Violence (SYV) – Part of this involved tackling school exclusions and continuing the primary health work being undertaken in schools to help address this issue. Exclusion levels formed part of the SYV performance dashboard which had been produced and the Board discussed the potential of bringing this to a future Board meeting as part of the SYV update.


·       Youth Offer – It was encouraging that the youth offer was now being connected to the Family Hubs with networks of services working together to tackle local issues.


·       SEND – It was believed that an Ofsted inspection would be carried out in either Westminster or Kensington & Chelsea shortly and therefore specific work, particularly around the autism pathway, was being prioritised.



The Board also to consider any other business which the Chair considers urgent.


9.1      Councillor Acton provided an update with regard to the proposed bi-borough Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) arrangements as work would be continuing with partners to develop a bi borough ICP.