Venue: Walford-Crofton Room, Kensington Town Hall
Contact: Tristan Fieldsend Committee and Governance Officer Tel: 7641 2341; Email:
No. | Item |
WELCOME TO THE MEETING The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: 1.1 Councillor Sarah Addenbrooke welcomed everyone to the meeting. The joint Board confirmed that as the meeting was being held within RBKC, Councillor Addenbrooke would chair the meeting in line with the agreed memorandum of understanding.
1.2 It was noted that there had been recent changes made to Cabinet posts at Westminster. Councillor Heather Acton had moved to be Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Licensing and would no longer be co-chairing this Board in future. Councillor Tim Mitchell had taken on the position of Cabinet Member for ASC and Public Health (and would be co-chair of this Board in future). |
MEMBERSHIP To report any changes to the Membership of the meeting. Minutes: 2.1 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Tim Barnes (WCC – Cabinet Member for Children’s Services), Robyn Doran (Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust), Sue Harris (Executive Director Environment & Communities), Sarah Newman (Bi-borough Executive Director of Children’s Services), Hilary Nightingale (Westminster Community Network), Angela Spence (Kensington & Chelsea Social Council) and Jennifer Travassos (WCC – Head of Rough Sleeping). |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. Minutes: 3.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES AND ACTIONS ARISING PDF 328 KB To agree the Minutesof the joint Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health & Wellbeing Board meeting on 16 December 2019. Minutes: RESOLVED:
4.1 That the minutes of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster City Council joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 16 December 2019 be agreed as a correct record of proceedings. |
To receive a report from Andrew Carpenter, Bi-Borough Adult Social Care. Additional documents:
Minutes: 5.1 Andrew Carpenter (Dementia Programme Lead), with Rachel Dickinson (Lead Officer Quality Assurance), presented this report and stated that the draft Dementia Plan 2020-2025 had been informed by contacts with over 170 people living with dementia (PLWD) and/or carers. It was planned to launch the final version of the Dementia Plan later in the year.
5.2 There were a number of service users present for the discussion and, in particular, the partners M (male) and K (female) addressed the Board to discuss their experience of dementia. M was diagnosed with dementia in 2017 and although K was a Nurse she had not known what to expect. It would have helped her if something like the Dementia Plan had been available at the time of M’s diagnosis.
5.3 K went on to mention other useful sections within the Dementia Plan for her including advice on keeping healthy and keeping safe, key contacts and organisations, listings of arts organisations etc. Despite the difficulties experienced M and K had come to terms with his diagnosis (which included other serious health concerns) and still succeeded in leading a full and happy life.
5.4 Another service user referred to the difficulty she experienced in explaining the problems caused by dementia to others.
5.5 Andrew Carpenter went on to refer to the Bi-borough’s accolade as a Dementia Friendly Community. There was a hope that the Bi-borough would become an exemplar of good practice and the Alzheimer Society had described the RBKC/WCC bid as ‘inspirational’. Councillor Addenbrooke urged anyone who had not yet done so to undertake their Dementia Friends session.
5.6 A number of Board Members enthusiastically praised the draft plan. In response to questions Mr Carpenter referred to the advice given to carers. He detailed contacts with care home staff, the BME Health Forum and LGBT communities. From the Metropolitan Police DS Nick Sumner stated how valuable the Plan would be in assisting interactions with people affected by dementia. All of the pictures in the plan were from people in RBKC and Westminster.
5.7 In approving the draft Dementia Plan the Board thanked all the people affected by dementia who had attended the meeting. It was noted that the plan would come back to the Board for final approval. |
Local Account Group Update PDF 3 MB To receive an update from Rachel Dickinson, Bi-Borough Adult Social Care. Minutes: 6.1 Rachel Dickinson (Lead Officer Quality Assurance) and Nick Marchant (Publication and Community Engagement Officer) were joined by two members of the Local Account Group (Melanie and Shiv) in presenting the Local Account Group Annual Report 2019. The Bi-borough Local Account Group was a group of local residents who evaluated how social care was working and fed directly into the key decisions of the ASC department. There were monthly meetings that were chaired by the Executive Director, Bernie Flaherty.
6.2 Melanie and Shiv stated that the Local Account Group had designed the Annual Report and many of their suggestions were incorporated in the Dementia Plan. The Group wanted to improve Adult Social Care; it felt that it was being listened to but there was a way to go. Over the past year there had been a lot of useful meetings (including the Fire Brigade, Grenfell Task Force, Bi-borough Chief Executives etc.). The Group looked forward to continuing its contribution in the coming year.
6.3 In subsequent debate Bernie Flaherty agreed that the Local Account Group had made a promising start to its journey. It was noted Healthwatch was playing a prominent supporting role. Other Board members were enthused about the possibility of connecting the Local Account Group with (for instance) Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, Imperial College Healthcare and the CCGs.
6.4 In closing this item the Board was excited that this was a structure that made things happen and facilitated beneficial connections between patients and residents. |
NHS Long-Term Plan Response Update PDF 2 MB To receive an update from the Central London and West London CCGs. Minutes: 7.1 Juliet Brown (North West London Collaboration of CCGs) introduced her paper on ‘A summary of the NHS Long-Term Plan for NW London’. She stated that this was an exciting opportunity which for the first time recognised that health was the business of us all. She reiterated that ‘the publication of our plan is not the end of our conversations with you, our communities and patients, it is just the beginning’.
7.2 Ms Brown finished by drawing attention to the link on the final page of the presentation and the continuing opportunity for people to make their comments.
7.3 In subsequent discussion contributors welcomed the thrust of the North West London proposals. Olivia Clymer recognised a number of themes (such as communications, patient transport and patient representation) that Healthwatch had earlier championed.
7.4 The Board agreed on a need to continue to monitor closely this matter. |
CNWL CAMHS Education and Health Care Plans Update PDF 154 KB To receive an update from Katy Millard, London Community Services Director at CNWL & Jackie Shaw, Service Director for CAMHS at CNWL. Additional documents: Minutes: 8.1 Deputising for Robyn Doran (who was unavailable) Katy Millard and Jacqui Shaw of CNWL introduced this paper and hoped that it would reassure the Board that the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster CAMHS service was now running smoothly. All managerial positions were filled and there was no backlog of Education Health and Care Plans.
8.2 Councillor Acton was pleased to confirm that Westminster’s Corporate Parenting Board (now called Westminster Guardians Board) had noticed this improvement. |
Safeguarding Reports PDF 32 KB
Additional documents:
Minutes: 9.1 Adult Safeguarding Independent Chair Aileen Buckton, assisted by Louise Butler (Head of Safeguarding Adults and Workforce Development Bi-borough), presented the Safeguarding Adults Executive Board (SAEB) Annual Report. Ms Buckton stated that she was appointed last June and she had continued with the ongoing themes of her predecessor. She closed by referring to What the Board will be working on in 2019/20 (page 40 of the report) and looked forward to reporting back to this Board next year on the impact of these plans.
9.2 Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report (18-19) Emma Biskupski (Local Safeguarding Children Partnership Business Manager) presented the Local Safeguarding Children Board Annual Report (assisted by Angela Flahive – Head of Safeguarding Review and Quality Assurance – Children’s Services). She explained that this would be the last report in this format as the Local Safeguarding Children Board has been replaced by the Local Safeguarding Children Partnership. A brief summary of the main highlights of the report was given. |
Any Other Business Minutes: 10.1 It was noted that there had been no comments on the Pharmaceutical Statements so these could now proceed to publication. (This was a matter being dealt with outside of Board meetings).
10.2 With prior agreement local resident Inge Lyngborg was allowed to submit a question for the Westminster Wellbeing Board:-
‘Is the board aware of the current serious health impacts of aviation on the Westminster population, and catastrophic health implications of the proposed Heathrow expansion and the Independent Parallel Approaches (IPA)?’
10.3 Councillor Acton responded that (as part of her new responsibilities as Cabinet Member for Public Protection and Licensing, which include air quality and noise pollution) she would ensure Westminster Council continued to monitor issues of air quality and Heathrow expansion. She added that the health impacts of poor air quality was a subject being discussed for potential joint working by health partners with the NW London Collaboration of CCGs, and encouraged all board members to respond to all relevant air quality consultations.
10.4 Dominic Conlin was pleased to report that the Care Quality Commission had rated Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust as Good overall.
10.5 The Board wished to place on record its thanks to departing co-chair Councillor Heather Acton. As stated above Cabinet responsibilities had been reshuffled at Westminster and the role of co-chair was now handed on to Councillor Tim Mitchell. Councillor Acton stated her thanks to all present and added that she would still attend occasional Board meetings. |