Venue: Kensington Queensmill, Barlby Road, London W10 6BH
Contact: Maria Burton, Portfolio Advisor Email:
No. | Item |
INTRODUCTION AND WELCOME TO THE MEETING The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting. Minutes: 1.1 Councillor Sarah Addenbrooke welcomed everyone to the meeting, the first Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) held in a community setting. She thanked the head teacher, staff and students at Kensington Queensmill School for hosting the launch of the autism strategy and the HWBB.
1.2 Cllr Addenbrooke introduced the school and gave a summary of the specialist facility and the wider work of the school and the trust with students, families and carers which provides support and encouragement to the wider community.
1.3 The meeting is to be run in two parts – The Launch of the Autism Strategy and a tour of the school, followed by the formal Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.
AUTISM STRATEGY LAUNCH Verbal presentation Minutes: 2.1. Cllr Addenbrooke introduced and gave an overview of the Autism strategy, which had been developed over the last 12 months and was finalised earlier in the year with the foreword from the previous co-chair Cllr Cem Kemahli. Cllr Addenbrooke was proud to formally launch the strategy and show it as part of the overall outcomes that want to be achieved with residents in the wider context of health and wellbeing, alongside the Health and Wellbeing (HWB) strategy.
2.2. Bernie Flaherty, Bi-Borough Director of Adult Social Care and Public Health for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and Deputy Chief Executive of Westminster City Council was invited to introduce the autism strategy launch.
2.3. Bernie Flaherty and Rachel Dickenson, the Bi-Borough engagement lead introduced the item to the Board and wider attendees by recognising the strategy was a further part of the all-age strategy for autism and was designed alongside and with over 200 autistic residents across the two boroughs.
2.4. The Strategy sets significant goals, which aimed to improve the lives of residents living within the two boroughs.
2.5. Rachel Dickenson was grateful for all involved with the strategy and hoped the launch of the strategy would make a real difference to Autistic adults across both boroughs.
2.6. As part of the launch the board heard from a service user and carer regarding their lived experience of autism and the importance of the strategy and for the need for the community and providers to continue to work together and recognise the strengths and opportunities of a more inclusive and understanding community. The strengths of people with autism are wide and with the right environment and support then people can maintain their independence in our communities.
2.7. The chair thanked the guests for their contribution and passion shown in the discussion. The challenge for the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) is to recognise that it has a role to provide the leadership across our partners and in our communities to address the challenges and to have a positive impact on the lives of all our residents.
2.8. Cllr Addenbrooke introduced Freddie Adu, the Head Teacher from Kensington Queensmill School and invited HWB members and attendees for a tour of the school
Formal Health and Wellbeing Board Meeting |
MEMBERSHIP To report any changes to the Membership of the meeting and any apologies for absence. Minutes: 3.1 Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lucy Knight, Anne Sheridan, Doug Goldring, James Benson, Simon Hope, Dr Butler, Lizzy Bovill, Lena Choudary-Salter, Phillipa Johnson, Kristie Black, Bob Klaber and Gary Davies.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. Minutes: 4.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING PDF 124 KB To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 September 2022. Minutes: RESOLVED:
5.1 That the minutes of the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 15 September 2022 be agreed as a correct record of proceedings.
HEALTH AND WELLBEING STRATEGY WORKSHOP PDF 175 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 2.1. Cllr Addenbrooke welcomed the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) members and the wider audience to the formal part of the HWBB and restated the role of the HWBB to be more visible by holding meetings in our communities and providing the opportunity to talk about our challenges within the context of the places we live and work.
2.2. The focus of this section was to understand the work and structure of the Health and Wellbeing (HWB) strategy, provide members and attendees with a context to the policy development work and to seek members comments on three areas:
· Are there areas of engagement that have been missed? · How the strategy will look · Understand the next phase of work to finalise the document for wider consultation with residents.
2.3. Cllr Butler-Thalassis (co-chair) stated the strategy was developing well following the work of the board and wider attendees on 15th September where links were made with the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and the draft ambitions. Comments have been included and incorporated with more community insight through the summer inequalities programme; and pulling out key messages and themes from other strategies, plans and engagement activities that have been undertaken.
2.4. This is the next iterative stage of the strategy to be launched in 2023/24 and welcomed further input into the structure, content, direction and overall priorities and outcomes. Cllr Butler-Thalassis welcomed the strong community voice in its design and delivery and wanted to see this as the new “way of doing business”.
2.5. Cllr Addenbrooke introduced a short video on the Community Champions, which set the standard for how we engage, empower and enable our residents.
2.6. Rachel Soni, Bi-Borough Director of Health Partnerships was introduced and asked to introduce the strategy. She sought insight and involvement, stressing the need for the whole HWBB to “own” and account for the strategy.
2.7. Rachel Soni and Anna Raleigh, Bi-Borough Director of Public Health presented the item. They explained that engagement had been good and stated the importance to translate this feedback into an effective, inclusive and relevant strategy that became the key policy tool that holds us to account. Rachel welcomed everyone to break into small discussion groups to reflect on the mock-up of the strategy. An on-line interactive version of the strategy is planned to bring the document to life and support accessibility. The document would be autism friendly. People were then invited to send comments directly to Rachel ( These would be presented back to the HWBB on 26th January and would be used to inform the development of the strategy.
A number of initial comments were fed back to the HWBB, including: · Where does power and accountability of the strategy sit? · The strategy must be resident led and be evidence based. · Better explanation of where the actions in the strategy have come from and what exactly do they mean for residents is needed. · An emphasis on inclusion, such as the Voluntary and Community sector (VCS) as well as ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
ANY OTHER BUSINESS Minutes: 1.1. No other business was discussed
Cllr Addenbrooke thanked everyone for attending and restated that the HWB strategy will become our point of reference and purpose. It will provide us all with a document that allows us to hold ourselves and others to account. The next HWB meeting will be hosted in Westminster and will again be in a community setting and will be themed around mental health. It will be held on Thursday 26th January at 4pm.
CLOSE OF MEETING Minutes: 8.1 The meeting ended at 6.15pm.