Agenda and minutes

Planning Applications Sub-Committee (2) - Tuesday 11th July, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Rooms 18.01 & 18.03, 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Georgina Wills, Committee and Governance Officer  Tel: 07870 548348; email:


No. Item



To note any changes to the membership.


That Councillor Jason Williams was substituting for Councillor Ryan Jude.


There were no further changes to the membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


 2.1      Councillor Paul Fisher explained that a week before the meeting, all four                   Members of the Sub-Committee were provided with a full set of papers                     including a detailed officer’s report on each application; together with bundles         of every single letter or e-mail received in respect of every application,                   including all letters and emails containing objections or giving support.                       Members of the Sub-Committee read through everything in detail prior to the   meeting. Accordingly, if an issue or comment made by a correspondent was       not specifically mentioned at this meeting in the officers’ presentation or by                 Members of the Sub-Committee, it did not mean that the issue had been                     ignored. Members would have read about the issue and comments made by        correspondents in the papers read prior to the meeting.


2.2      Councillor Paul Fisher declared an interest in respect of Item 1, and         nformed that Councillor David Boothroyd was making a deputation on the        item and advised that they were both members of the Majority Group.             Councillor Fisher also further declared that in respect of Item 2 Councillor            Paul Dimoldenberg was making a deputation and that Councillor Max Sullivan          in respect of Item 4 had submitted written representation. He advised that      both Councillors were also colleagues and that no discussions regarding the      above applications had been held with these Members. 


2.3       Councillor Jason Williams and Councillor MD Shamsed Chowdhury also           made the same declarations.


2.4       Councillor MD Shamsed Chowdhury declared an interest in respect of Item 2        and advised that the application site was situated in his Ward. Councillor   Chowdhury informed that he had been approached by residents about the             application and confirmed that he had made no comments regarding the Item.


2.5       Councillor Jason Williams declared an interest in respect of Item 5 and                     advised that Ward Councillors frequently met with the Federation of Pimlico     Residents' Associations Limited (FREDA). Councillor Williams informed that            no discussions had been held with FREDA regarding the application.


2.6       Councillor Barbara Arzymanov declared an interest in respect of Item 1 and                advised that the Application site was in her Ward. Councillor Arzymanov      informed that following advice from the Legal Officer she would leave the          meeting after making her deputation and would not take part in any of the                   discussions or deliberation on the Item.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 124 KB

To sign the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of proceedings.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 2023 be signed by the Chair as a correct record of proceedings.


Tree Preservation Order TPO 694 - 91 Sutherland Avenue, London, W9 2HG pdf icon PDF 794 KB


To confirm or not to confirm Tree Preservation Order No. 694.


Julie Allen addressed the committee in objection to the TPO.




TO CONFIRM Tree Preservation Order No. 694 (2023) with or without

modification with permanent effect.


Planning Applications

Applications for decision


The Chair advised that the Items on the Agenda would be varied and will considered in the following order Items 1,2,3,4, 5 & TPO.


Ground Floor, Seymour Leisure Centre, Seymour Place, London, W1H 5TJ pdf icon PDF 2 MB


Refurbishment and upgrade of the Seymour Centre to provide leisure, swimming pool, library, flexible community/office space, health and fitness studios, beauty treatment rooms and a cafe. Flexible use for leisure, community and events spaces (Sui Generis). Refurbishment works to include: removal of the redundant swimming pool tank to facilitate the fitness suite at lower ground floor, relining the existing pool

tank, installation of photovoltaics on the inner roof slope and installation of an ETFE 'pillow' roof above the former courtyard and proposed soft play area, removal of the existing roof lanterns and wind catchers in the sports hall to be replaced with new double glazed roof lanterns and wind catchers and installation of secondary glazing to all the windows in the sports hall, removal of roof lantern above swimming pool to be replaced with a new double glazed roof lantern, removal and replacement of existing plant, provision of external private roof terrace (restricted access), minor internal alterations to walls and partitions to facilitate the reconfiguration of uses, improve accessibility with one lift in each core (4 lifts in total plus three platform lifts at first floor) and two new internal upper staircases on the eastern elevation plus two new internal staircases on the south-west of the first floor, external alterations to some windows and fenestration, and provision of cycle parking and waste and recycling facilities.


Late Representations were received from Marylebone Forum (07.07.23), Marylebone Society (10.07.23), St Marylebone Society Planning Committee (10.07.23), Marylebone Association (07.07.23) and Harrowby & District Residents Association (unknown)


The Presenting Officer tabled the following amendments to Condition 5 and an additional Condition.


Item 1: Ground Floor, Seymour Leisure Centre, Seymour Place, London, W1H 5TJ

In the verbal presentation tonight, officers will refer to:

A requirement for an amendment to Condition 5 (amendments in bold)

Amended Condition 5:

(1) Where noise emitted from the proposed plant and machinery will not contain tones or will not be intermittent, the ’A’ weighted sound pressure level from the plant and machinery (including non-emergency auxiliary plant and generators) hereby permitted, when operating at normal duty, shall not at any time exceed a value of 10 dB below the minimum external background noise, at a point 1 metre outside the window of any residential property on Crawford Street, Seymour Place and Shouldham Street, unless and until a fixed maximum noise level is approved in writing by the City Council. The background level should be expressed in terms of the representative LA90, 15 mins during the proposed hours of operation. The plant-specific noise level should be expressed as LAeqTm, and shall be representative of the plant operating at its normal duty for the assessed time period.

(2) Where noise emitted from the proposed plant and machinery will contain tones or will be intermittent, the ’A’ weighted sound pressure level from the plant and machinery (including non-emergency auxiliary plant and generators) hereby permitted, when operating at normal duty, shall not at any time exceed a value of 15 dB below the minimum external background  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Devonport, 23 Southwick Street, London, W2 2PR pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Part demolition of the existing standalone garages and erection of two new dwellings (Class C3) over two storeys, landscaping works, air source heat pump equipment and other associated works.


Additional Representations were received from resident (06.07.23), (24.11.22) and (23.11.23)


A Late Representation was received from a resident (07.07.23)


The Presenting Officer tabled the following revisions to the Drawing Number


Item 2: Devonport, 23 Southwick Street London W2 2PR


Revised Drawing Numbers:


dpglp 001_00; pl x d 001; pl x d 002; e x d 001; e x d 002; e x d 003; s x d 001; pl x 000; pl x 001;  pl x 002; e x 001; e x 002; e x 003; e x 004; s x 001; scgsp 001 B; pl 000 B; pl 001 C; pl 002 C; pl 003 C; e 001 C; e 002 B; e 003 C; e 004 B; s 001 B; dpg se 001 B; scg se 002 B;


Laura Whyte addressed the committee in support of the application.


Jane Wilkinson addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Susan Quinn addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Olga Melita Matchilskaia addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Richard Cutt on behalf of the Hyde Park Estate Association addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Paul Dimoldenberg in his capacity as Ward Councillor addressed the committee in objection to the application.





That conditional planning permission be refused.




1.   Because of its siting, design and materials, the building would harm the appearance of the Devonport Building and associated gardens, fail to positively contribute to the pattern of the local streetscape, and fail to maintain or improve (preserve or enhance) the character and appearance of Bayswater Conservation Area.  This would not meet Policies 38, 39 and 40 of the City Plan 2019 - 2040 (April 2021).  (X16AD)


2.  By introducing new housing with overlooking windows within an existing communal residential amenity space, the proposed development would be overbearing and unneighbourly on that space which would significantly reduce its quality and attractiveness to the detriment of its overall character and function.  This would be materially harmful and therefore contrary to the Council's City Plan policies 12D and 38C.



10 Montagu Mews North, London, W1H 2JY pdf icon PDF 1 MB


Alterations including, excavation to provide new basement floor, erection of mansard roof level extension, rear terrace at first floor, alterations to doors and windows; all to enlarge and alter dwellinghouse (Class C3)


Stephen Haley addressed the committee in support of the application.


The Committee Officer read out a statement by Karen Jones in objection to the application.




That conditional permission be granted.


23 Sutherland Place, London, W2 5BZ pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Internal alterations, re-modelling of basement rear extension, enlarged window from basement to garden, alterations to rear garden, balcony to ground floor rear over basement extension.


Additional representations were received from resident (01.03.23), (01.03.23), (28.02.23), (28.02.23), (04.07.23) and (05.07.23) and a resident (19.12.22) and (06.01.23)


Late representations were received from Barton Enginees (Unknown) and (Unknown), resident (11.07.23), (09.07.23), (07.07.23) (04.07.23), (05.01.23) and (06.01.23) and resident (09.11.23) Councillor Max Sullivan (06.01.23) and (11.07.23)


The Presenting Officer tabled the following revisions to the Drawings


Item No. 4: 23 Sutherland Place


Revised drawings / information from applicant


Revised drawings have been received since report publication to address some of

the final points made by objectors, and to correct some discrepancies or minor

refinements to the proposals as found by officers. These drawings are numbered as

below and replace their preceding versions as previously set out in the report.

01.11 Rev.B – Demo Rear Elevation

02.01 Rev.B – Proposed Basement Plan

02.02 Rev.B – Proposed Ground Floor Plan

02.06 Rev.B – Proposed Section A

02.08 Rev.B – Proposed Section D

02.09 Rev.B – Proposed Section E

02.11 Rev.B – Proposed Rear Elevation


These revisions can be summarised as below.


• Clarification of extent of lower-ground floor surface to be lowered (to correlate

with submitted demo plans)


• Minor corrections to how the rear sash and side closet wing windows are

shown in the drawings


• Existing stone sill to rear window reused and lowered for the new French



The applicant’s Conservation Engineer has also submitted a brief response to some

of the final points raised by objectors, as well as a Structural Statement


Simon Moxey addressed the committee in support of the application.


Martin Lugg addressed the committee in objection to the application.




1.  That Conditional Permission be granted.


2.  That Conditional Listed Building Consent be granted.


3.  That reasons for granting conditional listed building consent as set out in      Informative 1 of the draft decision notice be agreed.


basement to garden, alterations to rear garden, balcony to ground floor rear over basement extension.


Additional representations were received from resident (01.03.23), (01.03.23), (28.02.23), (28.02.23), (04.07.23) and (05.07.23) and a resident (19.12.22) and (06.01.23)


Late representations were received from Barton Enginees (Unknown) and (Unknown), resident (11.07.23), (09.07.23), (07.07.23) (04.07.23), (05.01.23) and (06.01.23) and resident (09.11.23) Councillor Max Sullivan (06.01.23) and (11.07.23)


The Presenting Officer tabled the following revisions to the Drawings


Item No. 4: 23 Sutherland Place


Revised drawings / information from applicant


Revised drawings have been received since report publication to address some of

the final points made by objectors, and to correct some discrepancies or minor

refinements to the proposals as found by officers. These drawings are numbered as

below and replace their preceding versions as previously set out in the report.

01.11 Rev.B – Demo Rear Elevation

02.01 Rev.B – Proposed Basement Plan

02.02 Rev.B – Proposed Ground Floor Plan

02.06 Rev.B – Proposed Section A

02.08 Rev.B – Proposed Section D

02.09 Rev.B – Proposed Section E

02.11 Rev.B  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


54-56 Lupus Street, London, SW1V 3EE pdf icon PDF 898 KB


Installation of two air-conditioning units to rear in ground level enclosure adjacent to basement.


Additional representations were received from resident (04.07.23) Federation of Residents Association in Pimlico (30.06.23), MZA planning (03.07.23), and Morgans

Property Consultants (03.07.23) and (30.06.23).


M Ward addressed the committee in objection to the application.


Lise Cox on behalf of the Federation Of Residents Associations in Pimlico (FREDA) addressed the committee in objection to the application.


RESOLVED (Agreed: Councillor Paul Fisher, Councillor Jason Williams: Refused:  Councillor MD Shamsed Chowdhury and Councillor Barbara Arzymanow – Councillor Paul Fisher used his casting vote)


1.   That conditional permission be granted.


2.  That Condition 10 be amended and reads that ‘You must remove the unauthorised air conditioning units to the rear of the premises within one (1) month of the date of this permission’.