Venue: Westminster Council House, 97-113 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PT
Contact: Reuben Segal, Head of Committee and Governance Services Email: Tel: 07890 380137
No. | Item |
Appointment of Relief Chairman To appoint a relief Chairman. Minutes: 1.1 It was moved by the Lord Mayor and seconded by Councillor Paul Swaddle that Councillor Lindsey Hall be elected as Relief Chairman.
1.2 Motion put, and on a show of hands, declared CARRIED.
To sign the Minutes of the Meeting of the Council meeting held on 16 September 2020. Minutes: 2.1 RESOLVED: The minutes of the proceedings at the Council meeting on Wednesday 16 September 2020 were, with the assent of the Members present, signed by the Lord Mayor as a true record of the proceedings.
Lord Mayor's Communications The Lord Mayor to report that, on September 19th, he attended the Military Wives Choir Recording & Interview at Tileyard Studios
The Lord Mayor to report that, on September 20th, he attended the Battle of Britain Thanksgiving Service & reception at the Abbey.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on September 23rd, he attended the preview of 'Refugees: Forced to Flee' at the Imperial War Museum.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on September 29th, he met with the Ambassador of Norway, Wegger Chr. Strømmen, an introductory meeting. This took place at the Norwegian Embassy.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on September 30th, he visited the volunteers working for Silver Sunday/Westminster Connects, at the Dryburgh Community Hall.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 6th, he visited Public Hall in Horseguards Avenue, to learn more about the collaborative workspace.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 13th, he attended a Wigmore Hall Recital - Mariam Batsashvili Piano.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 14th, he took part in a filmed discussion with John Gilhooly, Executive and Artistic Director of the Wigmore Hall, at the Wigmore Hall.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 18th, he attended the LMA Civic Service/Evensong at the Abbey.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 21st, he attended the presentation of certificates to Police Cadets at the Pimlico Academy.
The Lord Mayor to report that, on October 22nd, he visited the Pimlico Million and Radio 3 Pimlico to learn more about locally funded projects.
Minutes: 3.1 The Lord Mayor referred to these as set out on the agenda.
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.
Minutes: 4.1 There were no declarations. |
Statement on Urgent Matters With the approval of the Chairman of the meeting, the Leader of the Council may make a statement on an urgent matter and the Leader of the Opposition will have an equivalent right of reply. Minutes: 5.1 There were no statements on urgent matters. |
Petitions and Deputations, if any Minutes: 6.1 There were no Petitions or Deputations.
6.1 Councillor Patricia McAllister presented a petition on behalf of the Church Street market traders calling on the Council to reconsider the increase in street trading charges during the pandemic. The petition will be referred to the relevant Executive Director who will submit a report for decision on the subject of the petition to the relevant Cabinet Member.
Questions The Lord Mayor will call members who have previously indicated that they wished to ask a question in accordance with the circulated list after the Leader of the Opposition has asked his questions Minutes: 7.1 The questions, supplementary questions and replies are included as a recording on the Council’s website.
Councillor Issues Councillor Angela Harvey: Arts and Culture in Westminster
Councillor Eoghain Murphy: Ensuring a Sustainable Investment Future for our Pensioners and the City Minutes: Arts and Culture in Westminster
8.1 Councillor Angela Harvey spoke and Councillor Paul Swaddle replied.
Ensuring a Sustainable Investment Future for our Pensioners and the City
Councillor Eoghain Murphy spoke and Councillor Melvyn Caplan replied. .
To consider items for debate from the attached Future Policy Plan. Minutes: 6.1 The meeting debated the item chosen for debate from the Future Policy Plan by the Majority Party.
The Council’s Response to Covid-19 and City Renewal
6.2 The Majority Party had selected item number 23 on the Future Policy Plan,The Council’s Response to Covid-19 and City Renewal. The debate will be referred to the relevant Executive Director for consideration when reporting on the subject.
Report of the Director of Law PDF 293 KB Programme of Meetings 2021/2022 and Future Budget Setting Minutes: Programme of Meetings 2021/2022 and Future Budget Setting:
1. That the Council approved the dates of full Council Meetings, as follows: 12 May 2021 (Annual), 23 June 2021, 22 September 2021, 10 November 2021, 19 January 2022, 2 March 2022 (Budget Setting), 18 May 2022 (Annual). 2. That Full Council agreed to revert to considering the budget proposals for each forthcoming fiscal year at an extraordinary meeting in March and agreed the associated changes to the council meeting procedure rules as set out in Appendix B to the report. 3. That the Programme of other formal Meetings set out in Appendix A be approved.
Notices of Motion To be moved by Councillor Tim Roca
To be seconded by Councillor Papya Qureshi
This Council notes that according to the last Department for Education census there were 5491 pupils known to be eligible for and claiming free school meals in Westminster's schools.
This Council resolves to follow the lead of other local authorities, including RBKC, Hammersmith & Fulham, and Camden, in funding the free school meal voucher scheme in the coming school holidays, and in the absence of funding from central government to continue this provision until Easter 2021.
Minutes: 11.1 The Labour Party had selected for debate the Notice of Motion (Funding the Free School Meal Voucher Scheme in the coming School Holidays) as set out on the agenda. The Notice of Motion was moved by Councillor Tim Roca and seconded by Councillor Papya Qureshi
11.2 Councillor Tim Barnes moved and it was seconded by Councillor Danny Chalkley that the Notice of Motion be amended, as follows:
“This Council notes
This Council welcomes the decision of the Conservative Government to fund Free School Meals in upcoming holidays during the Covid period and resolves to review national guidance on Free School Meals on an ongoing basis and respond accordingly in the best interests of Westminster residents.”
11.3 Following debate, The Lord Mayor put the amendment to the motion to the vote and following an electronic poll declared the amendment to the motion CARRIED .
11.4 The Lord Mayor then put the substantive motion as amended to the vote and following an electronic poll declared the substantive motion as amended CARRIED.
This Council notes Free School Meals has historically been an issue for national government and that prior to Covid restrictions they have never been provided in holiday periods.
This Council welcomes the decision of the Conservative Government to fund Free School Meals in upcoming holidays during the Covid period and resolves to review national guidance on Free School Meals on an ongoing basis and respond accordingly in the best interests of Westminster residents. |