Agenda and minutes

Council - Saturday 17th September, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Westminster Council House, 97-113 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5PT

Contact: Janis Best, Committee and Councillor Support Manager  Email: Tel: 07971 920521

Note: Extraordinary Meeting. Please note public access to the meeting is via an entrance on Gloucester Place. 


No. Item


Appointment of Relief Chairman

To appoint a relief Chairman.


1.1          Motion moved by the Lord Mayor and seconded by Councillor Matt Noble, that Councillor Jessica Toale be elected as Relief Chair.  


1.2      Motion put, and on a show of hands, declared CARRIED. 



Thoughts and Reflections following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

To allow Members to offer their thoughts and reflections following the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.


2.1       The Chair invited the Council to join him in observing a minutes silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. 


2.2      The Lord Mayor invited Councillors to offer their thoughts and reflections following the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.A notice of motion was moved by Councillor Adam Hug and seconded by Councillor Rachael Robathan.  


2.3       The following Councillors spoke on the motion: 


Councillor Ruth Bush; and 

Councillor David Harvey 


2.4      The Lord Mayor then put the motion to the vote and following a show of hands declared the motion CARRIED. 




That the Council pass a vote of thanks to Her Majesty the Queen for her devoted and tireless service, recognising the unique link between the royal household and the City of Westminster, and also that the Council send its sincerest condolences to King Charles III and his family for their loss.