Venue: Rooms 3 & 4 - 17th Floor, Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6 QP. View directions
Contact: Naomi Stauber - Senior Committee and Governance Officer
No. | Item |
Membership 1.1 To note the membership of the sub-committee and receive notification of any changes from the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.
1.2 To appoint a Chairman for the meeting. Minutes: 1.1 The membership of the sub-committee was noted.
1.2 Councillor David Harvey was appointed as Chairman.
Declarations of Interest PDF 26 KB To receive declarations of interest by Members and Officers of any personal or prejudicial interests, in addition to the standing declarations previously tabled by the Adults, Health and Public Protection Policy and Scrutiny Committee and included in the agenda.
Minutes: 2.1 The Chairman sought any personal or prejudicial interests in respect of the items to be discussed from Members and officers, in addition to the standing declarations previously tabled by the Adults, Health and Public Protection Policy and Scrutiny Committee and included in the agenda. No further declarations were raised. |
Central and West London Clinical Commissioning Groups Procurements of Healthcare Services PDF 32 KB To consider and provide a formal response to the procurement plans for Planned Care Services across Central and West London and the development of the CCG’s joint procurement approach as part of the Tri-borough strategic objectives, in accordance with Section 244 of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012).
Additional documents: Minutes: 3.1 The Sub-Committee received the report which detailed the procurement plans for Planned Care Services across Central and West London and the development of the Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCGs) joint procurement approach as part of the Tri-borough strategic objectives. The Sub-Committee considered the report in order to provide a formal response on behalf of the City Council, in accordance with Section 244 of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012).
3.2 Mona Hayat, Head of Planned Care for Central London CCG, introduced the report and informed Members that the NHS Central London and West London Clinical Commissioning Groups were commencing the service review, re-design and procurement of 9 and 6 (respectively) end-to-end Planned Care Services in 2014/15. Ms Hayat detailed that, in the planning stages of the 2014/5 NHS Central London and West London CCG’s Commissioning Intentions, it was identified that a procurement programme to address the gaps in planned care (outpatient services) community provision would be required. This was to be significantly aligned to the Out of Hospital Strategy 2012-15 and the successful delivery of planned care which includes more patient self-management, preventative care, more home based care and an extended range of services available in primary care to prevent the need for more specialist treatment.
3.3 The Sub-Committee noted that a proposed programme of procurement for planned care had been presented and ratified by the City Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board between July and September 2013. Subsequently, Central London have undertaken a programme to review and redesign specific outpatient services to ensure that patients receive simple, timely, convenient and effective planned care with seamless transitions across primary and secondary care, which are supported by a set of consistent protocols and guidelines for referrals and the use of diagnostics. Ms Hayat provided Members with an overview of the robust approach taken to service redesign, which included data analysis of incident and prevalence rates in 7 key areas, extensive benchmarking; and work with external clinicians to support the plans, seeking expertise from the University of Leicester in respect of cardiology and respiratory.
3.5 Davey Thomason, Head of Planned Care for West London CCG, explained that, by reviewing and redesigning community planned care provision, NHS Central London and West London CCG’s aims to undertake a process of simplifying planned care pathways. Mr Thomason noted the ambitious nature of the plans but emphasised the importance of commissioning community services which provide intermediate outpatient services in a community setting, which crucially prevents the need for patients to attend hospital clinics for diagnosis and treatment where it is unnecessary. Mr Thomason provided Members with an overview of the first phase of the programme and the planned care services which would be re-procured during 2014 – 2016.
3.6 The Sub-Committee reviewed the proposed governance framework which intends to provide accountability and quality assurance around the programme, but noted that the structure focused on ‘groups’ and provided no detail in respect responsible officers. Members therefore sought clarification ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust's Clinical Strategy PDF 31 KB To assess whether the proposals outlined in Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust’s Clinical Strategy aligns with the NHS North West London reconfiguration entitled ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’.
Additional documents: Minutes: 4.1 The Sub-Committee received a presentation from Dr Bill Oldfield, Consultant in Respiratory Medicine at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, which detailed and explained the proposals outlined in the Trust’s recently published Clinical Strategy. As part of his presentation, Dr Oldfield addressed the following key areas:
(i) The Trust’s vision and objectives – to be a world leader in transforming health through innovation in patient care, education and research.
(ii) Drivers for change – transforming clinical services to meet changing demands and expectations, such as a growing population; evolving technologies; increased pressure on public spending and personalisation of health and social care.
(iii) The key features of the Trust currently in respect of being one of the safest in the country, with a long track record of healthcare innovation and pioneering better care (recognised by AHSC status).
(iv) The Trust’s approach to clinical service change as part of the ‘Shaping a Healthier Future’ programme (“Localise, Centralise, Integrate and Personalise”) and the clinical strategy framework.
(v) Service and site plans for Charing Cross Hospital (proposed to be a local hospital), St. Mary’s Hospital (proposed as the major acute centre for the region) and Hammersmith Hospital (proposed to be a specialist centre).
(vi) The proposed scale and shape of the Trust’s estate by 2020 and the steps the Trust will take to realise these ambitions in respect of enabling strategies, clinical transformation and site developments.
4.2 The Sub-Committee sought clarification on the integrated care to be provided at St. Mary’s Hospital and received a detailed explanation of the proposals from Dr Oldfield. He noted that patients would enter St. Mary’s through a GP surgery in order for their treatment needs to be assessed at the outset of their visit and to prevent unnecessary admissions where alternative care could be provided or appropriate referrals recommended.
4.3 Members emphasised the importance of ensuring that the special needs of elderly residents were at the forefront of the Trust’s proposals for change, specifically in respect of how these residents could be treated in their homes as an alternative to a hospital admissions. Members noted that travelling can be extremely difficult for elderly patients, many of whom have complex medical requirements and may therefore be required to travel between different sites for specific types of care. In this respect Members had key concerns around the issue of inter-hospital transfers and requested a written response to address these points.
4.4 Dr Oldfield updated the Sub-Committee on the recent implementation of the Cerner Patient Administration System and confirmed that the roll-out went well overall and continues to be embedded positively, despite some loss of information at the outset. Members were informed that the implementation of the new system will drive further improvements to the Trust’s business processes and systems and encourage greater collaboration and focus on a joined-up working approach across the Trust.
4.5 The Sub-Committee discussed the increasing necessity to focus on methods of prevention and intervention across the arena of integrated health care and home care services, ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Any other business the Chairman considers urgent Minutes: 5.1 The Chairman confirmed that he had no urgent business to raise. |