Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee (2) - Thursday 25th July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Rooms 18.01 - 18.03 - 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP

Contact: Sarah Craddock, Committee and Councillor Co-ordinator  Email: Tel: 07790980186


No. Item



To report any changes to the membership.


1.1       There were no changes to the membership.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


2.2       It was noted that there were no declarations of interest.


Clays, 77 Brewer Street, W1F 9ZN pdf icon PDF 21 MB



Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

West End


*West End


** None


77 Brewer Street



New Premise Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 25 July 2024


Membership:           Councillor Maggie Carman (Chair) Councillor Hamza Taouzzale and Councillor Caroline Sargent.


Officer Support:       Legal Advisor:                    Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:                     Daisy Gadd

                                Committee Officer:             Sarah Craddock

                                 Presenting Officer:             Sandra Robbie


Other Parties:          Mr Alun Thomas and Mr Will Robinson (Solicitors for the Applicant, Thomas and Thomas)

Mr Thomas Snellock, Ms Gemma Steffenssen, Mr Roger Olsson and Ms Maddie Russell (Trigger Opcol4 Ltd, Applicant Company)


PC Reaz Guerra (Metropolitan Police Service - MPS)

Mr Anil Drayan (Environmental Health - EHS)

Ms Karyn Abbott (Licensing Authority – LA)


Mr Richard Brown, Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau Service, representing the Soho Society.

Ms M.T. (Soho Society)


Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of Clays 77 Brewer Street London W1F 9ZN 24/02953/LIPN




Summary of Application


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a New Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) in respect of Clays 77 Brewer Street London W1F 9ZN (“The Premises”). The Premises intends to operate as a competitive socialising venue built around the time-honoured British tradition and sport of clay pigeon shooting adapted for the first time to an indoor immersive format using real (but de-activated) shotguns and cutting-edge electronic tracking and video technology. The Premises are located in the West End Ward and fall within the West End CIZ. 


There is an existing licence (reference 24/02963/LIPT) and a shadow licence (reference 24/00187/LIPSL) for these Premises. These can be seen at Appendix 3 of the agenda report.


The Applicant has provided a summary of the proposal which includes submissions addressing the relevant policies relating to the application as well as capacity, management and dispersal plans. This can be seen at Appendix 2.


Assuming the Premises falls within policy CCSOS1 there is no policy presumption to refuse an application of this type.  Although the Licensing Authority advances the argument that Policy COMB1 (and possibly Policy PB1) applies along with the Soho Society who object to the application.


There is a resident count of 52.





77 Brewer Street






Trigger Opco4 Ltd




West End


Cumulative Impact Area


West End Cumulative Impact Zone (“West End CIZ”)


Special Consideration Zone




Activities and Hours


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors)

Monday to Wednesday 23:00 to 00:00

Thursday to Saturday 23:00 to 01:00

Sunday N/A


Seasonal variations: From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day.

Sundays immediately prior to a bank holiday: 10:00 to 01:00


Sale by Retail of Alcohol (On the Premises)

Monday to Wednesday 10:00 to 00:00

Thursday to Saturday 10:00 to 01:00

Sunday 12:00 to 22:30


Seasonal variations: From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Year’s Day.

Sundays immediately prior to a bank holiday: 10:00 to 01:00


Exhibition of Plays, Films, Live Music, Recorded Music, Indoor Sporting Events (Indoors)

Monday to Wednesday 10:00 to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 1.


Crunchy Falafel, Trocadero, 13 Coventry Street, W1D 7DH pdf icon PDF 14 MB



Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

St James’s


*West End


**  None

Crunchy Falafel


13 Coventry Street



New Premises Licence


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 25 July 2024


Membership:           Councillor Maggie Carman (Chair) Councillor Hamza Taouzzale and Councillor Caroline Sargent


Officer Support:       Legal Adviser:                    Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:                     Daisy Gadd

                                Committee Officer:             Sarah Craddock

                                 Presenting Officer:             Sandra Robbie


Other Parties:          Mr Youssef Zueiter (Applicant) and Ms Sarah Webb (Friend, representing the Applicant)

PC Adam Deweltz (Metropolitan Police Service)

Mr Maxwell Koduah (Environmental Health)

Ms Karyn Abbott (The Licensing Authority)


Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of Crunchy Falafel Trocadero 13 Coventry Street London W1D 7DH 24/01392/LIPN




Summary of Application


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a New Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) in respect of Crunchy Falafel Trocadero 13 Coventry Street London W1D 7DH(“The Premises”). The Premises intends to operate as a kiosk shop used to sell sandwiches (some of which will be hot) and soft drinks in the St James’s Ward.


A previous premises licence application was made in respect of the Premises which was refused by the Licensing Sub-Committee in January 2024. The Applicant does not do deliveries and does not sell or supply alcohol from the Premises. The Applicant initially applied for late night refreshment until 02:00 hours however during the consultation period this has now been reduced to Westminster’s core hours.


There is a policy presumption to refuse an application of this type in the West End CIZ and so the onus is on the Applicant to state how the application will not add to cumulative impact. 


There is a resident count of 26.




Crunchy Falafal


13 Coventry Street






Mr Youssef Zueiter




West End


Cumulative Impact Area


West End Cumulative Impact Zone (“West End CIZ”)


Special Consideration Zone




Activities and Hours


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors) Monday to Thursday 23:00 to 23:30

Friday to Saturday 23:00 to 00:00 Sunday N/A

Seasonal variations: None


Opening Hours of the Premises

Monday to Sunday 11:00 to 02:00

Seasonal variations: None


Representations Received


  • Metropolitan Police Service (MPS)
  • Environmental Health Service (EHS)
  • Licensing Authority (LA)


Summary of Representations Received:-


·       The proposed licensable activities are likely to undermine the Prevention of Crime and Disorder licensing objective.

The premises is located at 13 Coventry Street, W1D 7DH, which is within the West End Cumulative Impact Zone (“CIZ”). The Police have concerns that a premises, which provides Late Night Refreshment until 02:00 hours every day of the week, will adversely impact the area.

The crime levels within the CIZ are significant. Coventry Street, which runs between Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus, is already saturated by late night premises, which bring crime and disorder to the area.

·       The Police would like people dispersed from the area, however, 13 Coventry Street, would likely keep people remaining in the vicinity because hot food and drink is attractive. This can make revellers a target for robberies and assaults. General Anti-Social Behaviour could also increase. The police are already struggling to cope with the excessive crime  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


BoxCar, 30-31 Kendal Street, W2 2AW pdf icon PDF 1 MB



Site Name & Address


Licensing Reference No.

Hyde Park


* None


** None

Boxcar, 30-31 Kendal Street

W2 2AW


Premises Licence Variation


*Cumulative Impact Area
** Special Consideration Zone


Additional documents:



(“The Committee”)


Thursday 25 July 2024


Membership:           Councillor Maggie Carman (Chair) Councillor Hamza Taouzzale and Councillor Caroline Sargent


Officer Support:       Legal Advisor:                    Horatio Chance

                                Policy Officer:                     Daisy Gadd

                                Committee Officer:             Sarah Craddock

                                 Presenting Officer:             Sandra Robbie


Other Parties:          Ms Sarah Taylor (Agent, Keystone Law, Solicitor) and Mr Ankur Wishart (Director, Applicant Company).


Mr Maxwell Koduah (Environmental Health - EH)


Mr Richard Brown, Westminster Citizens Advice Bureau Service, representing SEBRA and HPEA

Mr J.Z (SEBRA) and Ms S.B (HPEA)


Application for a Variation of Premises Licence in respect of Boxcar 30-31 Kendal Street London W2 2AW 24/02544/LIPV


Full Decision



Summary of the Application


The Sub-Committee has determined an application for a Variation of Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) in respect of Boxcar 30-31 Kendal Street London W2 2AW(“The Premises”). The Premises previously operated as a café but since the transfer of the Premises Licence Holder (PLH) the PLH proposes to operate as a baker and delicatessen in the Hyde Park Ward. The Premises Licence Holder (“PLH”) is Boxcar Kendal St Ltd.  The Designated Premises Supervisor is Blagovest Radkov Grozdanov.


The PLH seeks to vary the licence as follows:-


(1)      To vary the layout of the premises in accordance with the submitted plans to include:


·       Adding existing outside demise to the Licensing Plan

·       Reconfiguring toilets

·       Reconfiguring servery counter

·       Reconfiguring kitchen/back of house

·       Adding banquette seating and other fixed furniture


(2)      To vary the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol (on and off sales) Monday to Saturday 22:00 and Sunday 21:00


(3)      To vary the terminal hour for opening hours Monday to Saturday 22:30 and Sunday 21:30


(4)      To amend condition 15 of the Premises Licence to now read:


Save for when seated at tables, all sales of alcohol for consumption off the premises shall be in sealed containers only and shall not be consumed on the premises.


(5)      To remove condition 16 which states: Alcohol consumed outside the premises building shall only be consumed by patrons seated at tables.


(6)      To remove condition 20 which states: No supply of draught



(7)      To amend condition 24 to now read: The maximum number of persons permitted in the premises at any one time (excluding staff) shall not exceed:

Ground Floor 48 persons (excluding retail area)

Outside Seated Area 16 persons


The Premises had the benefit of a Premises Licence from January 2011 until June 2020 when the licence lapsed due to the insolvency of the licence holder. The Premises has since benefited from another Premises Licence (24/02538/LIPT) and this was granted by a Licensing Sub-Committee in November 2020.


There is a resident count of 187.





30-31 Kendal Street


W2 2AW


Premises Licence Holder


Boxcar Kendal St Ltd




Hyde Park


Cumulative Impact Area





Activities and Hours


As per the Premises Licence


Representations Received


  • Environmental Health Service
  • Councillor Karen Scarborough (Local Ward Councillor)
  • South East Bayswater Residents Association (SEBRA).
  • Hyde Park Estate Association (HEPA).
  • Two Local residents  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.