Venue: Rooms 18.01 - 18.03 - 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP. View directions
Contact: Sarah Craddock, Committee and Councillor Co-ordinator Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||
Membership To report any changes to the membership. Minutes: 1.1 There were no changes to the membership. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. Minutes: 2.1 There were no declarations of interest. |
Carbone, American Embassy, 24-31 Grosvenor Square, W1K 6AH PDF 2 MB
Additional documents:
Minutes: WCC LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE NO. 3 (“The Committee”)
Thursday 11 July 2024
Membership: Councillor Robert Eagleton (Chair), Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Councillor Louise Hyams
Officer Support: Legal Adviser: Steve Burnett Committee Officer: Sarah Craddock Policy Officer: Daisy Gadd Presenting Officer: Kevin Jackaman
Other Parties: Luke Elford (John Gaunt Solicitors on behalf of the Applicant) Jon Varthalis (Director of Gardiner & Theobald) Luis Sarabando (In attendance Virtually)
Sally Fabbricatore (Environmental Health Services – EHS)
Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of Carbone, American Embassy, 24 - 31 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 6AH - 24/02275 /LIPN
Carbone, American Embassy, 24 - 31 Grosvenor Square, London W1K 6AH
30 Grosvenor Restaurant Limited
West End
Cumulative Impact
Special Consideration Zone
There is a resident count of 19
This is an application for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”). This is a new premises licence application and therefore no premises licence history exists.
The premises proposes to operate as a Restaurant.
The applicant has proposed twenty-three conditions and agreed three conditions with Environmental Health to form part of the operating schedule.
The applicant has also submitted a updated schedule of conditions, presentation, letter to objector and a wider location plan. These can be found in Appendix 2.
The Application is to Permit:
Sale by Retail of Alcohol (on)
Monday to Sunday 09:00 to 00:00
From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Years’ Day
Late Night Refreshments (Indoors)
Monday - Sunday 23:00 to 00:00
From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Years’ Day
Hours Premises Are Open to the Public
Monday to Sunday 06:00 to 00:00
From the end of permitted hours on New Year’s Eve to the start of permitted hours on New Years’ Day
Representations Received
· Sally Fabbricatore – Environmental Health Services (EHS)
· 1 Objection from Interested Parties
Issues raised by Objectors.
The Environmental Health Services states that the premises would have the likely effect of causing an increase in public nuisance in the area and may impact of public safety.
The resident states:
1) Concerns about the access to the building and additional traffic. 2) Concerns about delivery noise 3) Concerns about taxi access.
Policy Considerations
HRS1 states:
A. Applications within the core hours set out below in this policy will generally be granted for the relevant premises uses, subject to not being contrary to other policies in the Statement of Licensing Policy.
The Core Hours for restaurants are:
Monday to Thursday: 9am to 11.30pm. Friday and Saturday: 9am to 12am. Sunday: 9am to 10.30pm.
Sundays immediately prior to a bank holiday: 9am to 12am.
RNT1 states: A. Applications outside the West End Cumulative Impact Zone will generally be granted subject to:
1. The application meeting the requirements of policies CD1, PS1, PN1 and CH1. 2. The hours for licensable activities being within the council’s Core Hours Policy HRS1.
Sun & Thirteen Cantons, 21 Great Pulteney Street, W1F 9NG PDF 15 MB
Additional documents:
Minutes: WCC LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE NO. 3 (“The Committee”)
Thursday 11 July 2024
Membership: Councillor Robert Eagleton (Chair), Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Councillor Louise Hyams
Officer Support: Legal Adviser: Steve Burnett Policy Officer: Daisy Gadd Committee Officer: Sarah Craddock Presenting Officer: Kevin Jackaman
Other Parties: James Anderson and Alex Tomlinson (Solicitor, Poppleston Allen), Mr Callum Thomas (General Manager) and Ms Tara Buffini (Area Manager) – (Fullers Smith & Turner PLC).
Ms Karyn Abbot (Licensing Authority) Ms Sally Fabbricatore (Environmental Health Service)
Mr Richard Brown (Licensing Advice Project (on behalf of the Soho Society) and Ms M.T (on behalf of the Soho Society). Mr J.W (Soho Housing Association) Ms W.H and Mr P.F (Residents)
Application for a Variation of a Premises Licence in respect of Sun & Thirteen Cantons, 21 Great Pulteney Street, London W1F 9NG - 24/01972/LIPV
Sun & Thirteen Cantons 21 Great Pulteney Street London W1F 9NG
Fullers, Smith and Turner PLC
West End
Cumulative Impact
West End
Special Consideration Zone
There is a resident count of 150
This is an application for a variation of a premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) to extend the terminal hours for the sale of alcohol (on and off), late night refreshment and opening hours to core hours on Monday to Saturday only.
The Application is to Permit:
Late Night Refreshment
On Fridays and Saturday to vary the terminal time from 23:30 to 00:00
Sale by Retail of Alcohol (Both)
On Mondays to Thursdays to vary the terminal time from 23:00 to 23:30 and On Friday and Saturday from 23:00 to midnight.
Hours Premises Are Open to the Public
On Fridays and Saturday to vary the terminal time from 23:30 to 00:00
To remove Condition 9 and add conditions on pages 78 to 79 of the Agenda.
Representations Received
· Ayesha Bolton – Environmental Health Services (EHS)
· Karyn Abbott – Licensing Authority (LA)
· 15 Objections from Interested Parties
· Soho Society
Issues raised by Objectors.
The Environmental Health Services states that the premises is located in West End CIZ area, and the sale of alcohol would have the likely effect of causing an increase in public nuisance in the area and may impact of public safety. The hours for LNR would have the likely effect of causing an increase in public nuisance in the area
The LA states the Premises is located minutes from the corner of Great Pulteney Street and Beak Street approximately 7 minutes’ walk from Piccadilly Circus. The area is predominantly made up of commercial with limited residential properties within 50 meters of the premises.
The premises are located within the West End Cumulative Impact Zone and as such various policy points must be considered, namely CIP1, HRS1 and PB1.
The Residents and Soho Society have concerns about:
1) Queue and outside drinking already causing an issue with noise from patrons outside and blocking the pavements. 2) Extension will cause disruption to residents. 3) Pedestrians have to walk in the road which causes an issue of ... view the full minutes text for item 2. |
Forsters LLP, 22 Baker Street, W1U 3BW PDF 1 MB
Additional documents:
Minutes: WCC LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE NO. 3 (“The Committee”)
Thursday 11 July 2024
Membership: Councillor Robert Eagleton (Chair), Md Shamsed Chowdhury and Councillor Louise Hyams
Officer Support: Legal Adviser: Steve Burnett Committee Officer: Sarah Craddock Policy Officer: Daisy Gadd Presenting Officer: Kevin Jackaman
Other Parties: David Whitehead DSW Group on behalf of the Applicant
Application for a New Premises Licence in respect of Forsters LLP, 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW - 24/02684/LIPN
Forsters LLP, 22 Baker Street, London W1U 3BW
Applicant (PLH)
Forsters LLP
Cumulative Impact
Special Consideration Zone
There is a resident count of 69
Summary of Application
This is an application for a new premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003 (“The Act”) and therefore no premises licence history exists.
The premises are the new London offices of an international law firm which has moved from Mayfair.
The premises is located at the junction of Baker Street and George Street and consists of 7 levels. A premises licence is required for fine dining, client entertaining, legal conferences, meetings, in-house events and training events.
These will take place in parts of the lower ground floor, 1st floor and 3rd floor. There is no permanent bar and any requirement for alcohol must be pre-booked.
The general public will not be permitted access to the premises for licensable activities.
The Application is to Permit:
Sale by Retail of Alcohol (Both)
Monday to Saturday 12:00 to 22:00
Hours Premises Are Open to the Public
Monday to Sunday 00:01 to 24:00
Representations Received
· Kudzy Mondhlani – Environmental Health Services (EHS) – Withdrawn 9 July
· 2 Objections from Interested Parties
Issues raised by Objectors.
The Environmental Health Services states that the premises would have the likely effect of causing an increase in public nuisance in the area and may impact of public safety.
The residents states:
1) There are concerns about an outside eating/entertainment terrace on the 3rd Floor in close proximity to residents. 2) There is no reference to how noise will be controlled. 3) The terrace overlooks children’s bedrooms. 4) There has been no engagement with residents. 5) There are concerns about taxi access.
Policy Considerations
HRS1 states:
A. Applications within the core hours set out below in this policy will generally be granted for the relevant premises uses, subject to not being contrary to other policies in the Statement of Licensing Policy.
The Core Hours for Pubs/bars are:
Monday to Thursday: 10am to 11.30pm. Friday and Saturday: 10am to 12am. Sunday: 9am to 10.30pm.
Sundays immediately prior to a bank holiday: 12pm to 12am.
PB1 A, C and D and para F103 applies.