Venue: Room 3.6 and 3.7, 3rd Floor, 5 Strand, London, WC2 5HR. View directions
No. | Item |
Welcome and Introduction |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence (if any). |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at the meeting, from: (a) All members of the Joint Committee; (b) All other Members present in any part of the room or chamber. |
That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2018 be taken as read and signed as a correct record. |
Matters Arising |
A&E Performance Data PDF 939 KB Presentation and discussion of A&E performance data for 2017/18. |
Update on SOC1 and STP Implementation Timelines PDF 242 KB Briefing on SOC1 and a general update on the STP implementation timelines. Additional documents: |
Performance Metrics Discuss progress on developing performance metrics. |
Equalities Impact Assessment PDF 460 KB Discussion of EIA published in April 2017. Members can ask NHS CCG contacts questions or provide comments on the assessment. |
Briefly discuss Healthwatch Central West London Charing Cross Hospital: Experiences of Today, Questions for Tomorrow (February 2018) report. |