Venue: Rooms 18.01 - 18.03 - 18th Floor, 64 Victoria Street, London, SW1E 6QP. View directions
Contact: Jessica Barnett: Committee and Governance Officer Email:
No. | Item |
Membership To note any changes to the membership. Minutes: 1.1 There were no changes to the membership. |
Declarations of Interest To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. Minutes: 2.1 The Chair explained that a week before the meeting, all Members of the Sub-Committee were provided with a full set of papers including a detailed officer’s report on each application; together with bundles of every single letter or e-mail received in respect of every application, including all letters and emails containing objections or giving support. Members of the Sub-Committee read through everything in detail prior to the meeting. Accordingly, if an issue or comment made by a correspondent was not specifically mentioned at this meeting in the officers’ presentation or by Members of the Sub-Committee, it did not mean that the issue had been ignored. Members would have read about the issue and comments made by correspondents in the papers read prior to the meeting.
2.2. Councillors Bush, Butler-Thalassis, Cunningham and Robathan noted that they had visited the site prior to the meeting. |
To sign the minutes of the last meeting as a correct record of proceedings. Minutes: NOT RESOLVED:
3.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 25 June 2024 have yet to be agreed.
Planning Applications Applications for decision |
Minutes: Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelopment above a retained basement to create a mixed-use scheme providing Class E commercial space (retail, restaurants, offices), a community space, and 17 residential units within a new building consisting of ground plus 7 storeys plus rooftop amenity for the commercial, and ground plus 7 storeys for the residential element, improvements to the public realm and pedestrian routes around the perimeter of the Site and along Broadstone Place, consolidated servicing, ancillary plant and storage, cycle parking, and other associated works.
The presenting officer tabled a revised recommendation, amendments to Condition 41 and an additional Conditions 47 as below:
1. Grant conditional permission subject to completion of a S106 legal agreement to secure the following amendment to part g) of the legal agreement (in bold text) and secure an additional to prevent the flats from applying for on-street residents’ car parking permits:
g). Undertaking of highways works on the parts of Baker Street, Dorset Street and Blandford Street that abut the development site and the entirety of Broadstone Place that are necessary to accommodate the development (including the provision of a footway along the entire western length of Broadstone Place and, if possible and desirable to the City Council as Highways Authority, short stay cycle parking provision for at least 42 bicycles on the part of Baker Street immediately adjacent to the development) and the retention or re-siting within Broadstone Place of the existing car parking bays. If undertaken by the owner (with the agreement of the City Council), highway works to be completed prior to occupation of any part of the development l). Appropriate arrangements to secure measures to mitigate the potential increased demand for on-street residents car parking in the vicinity of the site.
Condition 41: You must apply to us for approval of:
- Detailed drawings of the green roof elements of the development hereby approved, including detailed sections through the different types of green roof showing the drainage layer and the depth of planting material. - The number, size, species and position of planting. - Detailed drawings of a hard landscaping scheme
You must not start work on the relevant part of the development until we have approved in writing what you have sent us. You must then carry out the planting within one planting season of completing the development (or within any other time limit we agree to in writing).
If you find that any plants are dying, severely damaged or diseased, you must replace them with plants of a similar size and species.
Additional Condition 47: You must provide, maintain and retain the following bio-diversity features before you start to use any part of the development, as set out in your application.
- Log piles, sand mounds, bug hotels and sparrow boxes.
You must not remove any of these features. (C43FA)
Reason: To increase the biodiversity of the environment, as set out Policy 34 of the City Plan 2019 - 2040 (April 2021). (R43FC)