Venue: 18th Floor Meeting Rooms. Westminster City Hall, 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP
Contact: Linda Hunting Email:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIR To elect a Chair of the committee. The Majority Group have nominated Councillor Patricia McAllister. No other nominations have been received. Any Member may nominate any other Member to Chair in advance of and at the meeting itself. |
MEMBERSHIP To note any changes to the membership. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda. |
To approve the minutes of the last Vulnerable Adults, Health and Communities Policy and Scrutiny Committee meeting, 7 March 2024. |
To discuss and shape the Committee’s work programme for the municipal year 2024-2025. Additional documents: |
WINTER HOT MEALS PROVISION PILOT To review and note the winter hot meal provision pilot after the first year’s implementation and make recommendations to inform the service for the second year of the pilot. |
COMMUNITY PHARMACY PROVISION - ACCESS TO MEDICINES FOR SOCIALLY VULNERABLE RESIDENTS To undertake NHS pre-decision scrutiny on the current Community Pharmacy provisions for socially vulnerable residents to obtain medications and make recommendations. Additional documents: |