Agenda and minutes

Health & Wellbeing Board - Thursday 9th July, 2020 4.00 pm

Venue: Please note that this will be a virtual meeting

Contact: Tristan Fieldsend Committee and Governance Officer  Tel: 7641 2341; Email:


No. Item


Welcome to the Meeting

The Chair to welcome everyone to the meeting.


1.1           Councillor Tim Mitchell welcomed everyone to the meeting. The joint Board confirmed that as the meeting was due to be held by Westminster, Councillor Mitchell would Chair the meeting in line with the agreed memorandum of understanding.


1.2           The Chair explained that the Westminster and K&C Boards had each chosen three Health & Wellbeing priorities. However, given the exceptional circumstances over the past few months, the theme of this Board meeting would be the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the bi-borough.


1.3           The Board then held a one-minute’s silence in tribute to the Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster residents who had died of Covid-19 since March 2020.



To report any changes to the Membership of the meeting.


2.1           Apologies for absence were received from Detective Inspector Liam Adams (Metropolitan Police), Louise Proctor (West London CCG) and Darren Tulley (London Fire Brigade).



To receive declarations by Members and Officers of the existence and nature of any pecuniary interests or any other significant interest in matters on this agenda.


3.1      There were no declarations of interest.



To agree the Minutes of Westminster City Council’s and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 5 February 2020.




2.1           That the minutes of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster City Council joint Health & Wellbeing Board meeting held on 5 February 2020 be agreed as a correct record of proceedings.


Bi-borough System Response to COVID-19 from Adult Social Care, Public Health and the NHS, including Future of Out of Hospital Services pdf icon PDF 406 KB

Presented by:


Senel Arkut, Bi-borough Director of Health Partnerships (ASC)


Houda Al-Sharifi, Interim Director of Public Health (Public Health)


Jane Wheeler, Acting Deputy Director for Mental Health, North West London CCCGs & GP representative (NHS)

Additional documents:


Bi-Borough System Response to Covid-19


5.1           Senel Arkut (Bi-borough Director Health Partnerships) and Gareth Wall (Director of Integrated Commissioning) provided the Board with an overview of the activities undertaken across RBKC and WCC by system partners in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.


5.2           The work undertaken with system partners and communities had played a significant role in supporting the UK Government’s Covid-19 pandemic response. This had included adjusting services to support people; providing incident management oversight, support for shielding and other vulnerable residents, and using data to enhance the local understanding of, and mitigate against, the impact of the virus on residents, visitors and local health and care services.


5.3           It was recognised that the coming months and years would provide challenges, but it was explained that there were opportunities to build on lessons learned and put in place policies that could make positive differences to people’s lives. In particular it was important to tackle inequality and ensure resources were allocated in a way that could be channelled to areas and communities of greatest need.


Central London CCG Recovery Plan Summary


5.4      Neville Pursell, Philippa Johnson and Holly Eden (Central London CCG) provided a summary of the Central London CCG’s response to Covid-19 including what would be required in the event of a second wave and identifying future challenges and opportunities.


5.5           The Board was interested to learn about the specialist homelessness hubs which had been established within Westminster led by specialist primary and community teams. In addition, a virtual first model which had been implemented in all GP practices had resulted in a significant reduction in the need for face to face consultations with an increased focus on proactive care management of those identified as being most vulnerable.


5.6      The importance of collaborative, integrated working between all partners was stressed in order to build on existing work undertaken and to try and identify and meet the future challenges which remained. It was already recognised that more work was required to demonstrate that it was safe to attend health sites as there was increased concerns over the impact this was having on those residents in need not attending and the associated effect this could have on their mental health.


North West London CCG Recovery Plan Summary


5.7           Robyn Doran and Jane Wheeler (North West London CCG) provided a summary of NWL CCG’s response to Covid-19 including what would be required in the event of a second wave and identifying future challenges and opportunities.


5.8      It was explained that there had been early development of additional bed capacity to support the discharge/system flow with a discharge hub at its core. Most services had been provided virtually, including mental health and community services which had resulted in a corresponding reduction for same day urgent access to services. The Board was advised however that, whilst a ‘digital first’ approach would be embedded, engagement with communities would be undertaken to understand the impact this delivery of services would have on those classed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Patient Experiences of Care During COVID-19 pdf icon PDF 229 KB

Presented by:


Senel Arkut, Bi-borough Director of Health Partnerships


Olivia Clymer, Chief Executive Healthwatch Central West London

Additional documents:


6.1       Olivia Clymer (CEO, Healthwatch Central West London) informed the Board of Healthwatch Central West London’s work undertaken since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak. It was explained that this had focused on providing clear and accurate information and advice to local people and gathering feedback from local people about their needs and experiences in relation to Covid-19 and other services.


6.2       An overview of the key findings from the data collected from the engagement was provided and discussed by the Board. Other areas highlighted in the report included concern over bereavement and how support was provided to families and peer groups going forward. Concern was also raised over those residents who were not minded to use digital platforms in order to stay in touch with others or to access services. The Chair expressed the Board’s thanks to Healthwatch for all their hard work and effort in producing a very useful report which would assist in shaping current and future action in regards to Covid-19, in addition to ensuring there was consideration of inequalities and the wider determinants of health in the bi-borough area.


Further Incidences of COVID-19 Outbreak Control Plan pdf icon PDF 640 KB

Presented by:


Houda Al-Sharifi and Russel Styles, Bi-Borough Public Health



7.1       Russell Styles (Deputy Director of Public Health) introduced a report setting out the ring-fenced test and trace service support grant provided to local authorities. It was explained that the grant went towards expenditure incurred or to be incurred in the mitigation and management of local Covid-19 outbreaks.


7.2       The Board noted the Outbreak Control Plans and the work undertaken by Public Health in conjunction with colleagues across Emergency Planning, Environmental Health, Communications and others in the development of the Outbreak Control Plans for RBKC and WCC. This included drafting the governance structures and the Standard Operating Procedures for outbreaks in care homes, schools and nurseries, housing (including hostels and rough sleepers), and workplaces. RBKC and WCC had developed sovereign Outbreak Control Plans although consideration had been made to align them as far as possible.


7.3          A Bi-Borough Covid-19 Health Protection Board had been convened which provided strategic leadership and oversight to the development and delivery of the plans. The Board was interested to note that a Local Bi-Borough Data Hub had been established to manage and analyse the data flowing into the local authorities and to inform the local response.


7.4          The Board welcomed all the work undertaken on the Control Plans and hoped it provided reassurance that measures were in place in the event of further outbreaks.


Verbal Update on Domestic Abuse during COVID-19


8.1       Shabana Kauser (Violence against Women & Girls Tri-Borough Strategic Lead), provided a verbal update on how Covid-19 had impacted on the issue of domestic abuse. No significant increase in rates of domestic abuse had been evidenced during the lockdown period, however the referrals being received were often of a more complex nature. As lockdown continued to be eased it was anticipated that a significant increase in referrals would emerge.


8.2       The responses provided to tackle domestic abuse during the Covid-19 pandemic were detailed. This included setting up a weekly meeting with key stakeholders to monitor risks and trends, introducing a bi-weekly meeting with providers and the development of a briefing for professionals on how the domestic abuse service was operating. In addition, a poster campaign had been launched and online training had been developed for those workers shielding.


8.3       The Board welcomed the steps undertaken to tackle domestic abuse during this challenging period and was advised of the next steps for the service. The main priority was to sustain the response to domestic abuse, ensure services were fit for purpose, embed locally the measures outlined in the Domestic Abuse Bill currently going through Parliament and strengthening the coordinated, community response to the issues of domestic abuse.


Annual Director of Public Health Report on Serious Youth Violence pdf icon PDF 300 KB

Presented by:


Sarah Newman, Executive Director of Children’s Services


Natalia Clifford, Bi-Borough Public Health

Additional documents:


9.1       Sarah Newman (Director of Family Services) and Natalia Clifford (Deputy Director of Public Health) introduced the report which built on a report previously taken to the Board in July 2019 and on that previous mapping exercise to provide examples of best practice, recommendations and actions to implement best practice going forward. Thanks, were provided to the many stakeholders who had contributed to the report, particularly to the Youth Crime Prevention Partnerships in both boroughs for their input and guidance in the development of the report.


9.2      The benefits of taking a Public Health approach to tackling youth offending, reoffending and violence were highlighted. The Board was interested to note that this looked at the root causes of crime and utilised a life-course whole-system approach informed by data and intelligence. The importance of collaboration and leadership across the system was seen as key to achieve this. Some of the key findings highlighted how young people from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds were disproportionally represented in the youth offending cohorts and crime hotspots in the borough correlated with areas of multiple deprivation.


9.3      The Board was advised that the report would be published following its approval. Work would commence on developing action plans with identified leads for each of the recommendations and actions proposed in the report.  These would be taken forward by working groups reporting to the Youth Crime Prevention Partnership Boards. Also, business intelligence was developing dashboards to underpin the understanding on youth crime.




1)    That the Youth Offending and Serious Youth Violence JSNA and APHR be approved.


2)    That the implementation of a public health approach to youth offending and serious youth violence in Kensington and Chelsea, and Westminster be supported; and


3)    That the actions from the report be supported.


Any Other Business

The Board also to consider any other business which the Chair considers urgent.


10.1    The Board noted that the Q4 Better Care Fund Programme 2019/20 had been circulated to all Members and agreed to sign off the headline details of the Better Care Fund (BCF) performance in delivering the 2019/20 plan. The Board also noted the 2020-2021 BCF Priorities and Programme which had been circulated. This included the BCF review outcomes and priority areas for the new BCF Plan and it was agreed for the Joint BCF Programme Board to develop schemes.


10.2    Cllr Addenbrooke raised a concern over the future of the Brompton Hospital regarding recent developments of the treatment of paediatric congenital heart disease (CHD) and the resumption of treatment for urgent and clinical care cases.  It was suggested a memorandum of understanding had been entered into regarding a merger between the Royal Brompton Hospital and Guys and St Thomas’ for CHD, with the consultation process only taking place after the merger had occurred.  Councillor Addenbrooke was advised that efforts would be made to understand the current position in order to provide the Board with a clear update.


Options for the Future of the Gordon Hospital




That under Section 100 (a) (3) and Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following Item of Business because it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information


11.1    The Board was provided with an update and held a detailed discussion on the future of the Gordon Hospital in Pimlico.