Agenda, decisions and minutes

Shareholder Committee - Monday 22nd July, 2024 11.00 am

Venue: Room 18.04/05, 18th Floor, Westminster City Hall SW1E 6QP

Contact: Alfie Bailey  Email:

Note: Part II of the Agenda may concern matters under Section 100 (A) (4) and/or Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), as per paragraphs 1 and 3. The public and press will be excluded from the meeting for this item of business because it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, most notably commercially sensitive information. 


No. Item


Welcome and Declarations of Interest


Cllr Hug welcomed members to the meeting and asked for any declarations of interest. No declarations of interest were given.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider the minutes from the previous committee.


Cllr Hug asked attendees to approve the minutes of the previous meeting dated 26 March 2024. Attendees approved these minutes.


Westminster Builds End of Year 2023/24 Update pdf icon PDF 285 KB

To consider the financial and operational performance for the 2023/24 period.

Additional documents:


Cllr Hug invited James Green and Zohaib Nizami to the meeting.


Zohaib Nizami stated that the performance of the company continued to be robust in 23/24 and stated that accounts have been completed and will be signed off at the next meeting.


Zohaib Nizami and James Green provided an update on progress on the 24/25 business plan.


Cllr Hug asked how profit would be used by the company. James Green and Zohaib Nizami said that cash reserves are important in order to service debts.


Cllr Hug asked the committee to note the report.


Director Appointment for WHIL and WHDL pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider an appointment to the WHIL and WHDL boards to ensure good governance of the companies.


The appointment of Gill Matthews to the WHIL and WHDL boards was approved.


Reasons for decision: Following the resignation of a previous board member, to maintain quoracy and enable decisions to be made, a new board appointment is required.


Implementation Date: 22 July 2024



Cllr Hug invited James Green to introduce Item 4.


The company recommended that Gill Matthews be appointed to the company board in order to maintain quoracy and good governance.


Cllr Hug asked the committee to approve the recommendations on Page 20.


The committee approved the recommendations.


Westminster Community Homes End of Year 2023/24 Update pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To consider the financial and operational performance for the 2023/24 period.


Cllr Hug introduced Neil Tryner and Mark Davies to the meeting.


Neil Tryner read through highlights in the report and commented on areas of good performance. He also commented on concerns with performance and highlighted issues with repairs. He apologised for the lateness of accounts reporting, but predicting a surplus once the accounts are signed off. He commented on the future goals set out by the board. He commented on progress with the company’s compliance performance and thanked the support of Claire Barrett.


Cllr Begum asked for further information on the void turnaround and asked about tenant satisfaction measures. Neil Tryner commented on measures taken to measure and improve satisfaction measures.


Cllr Hug asked about retrofit levels. Neil Tryner responded that he would be able to provide further information at a later date.


Cllr Boothroyd asked for further information on budget targets and if there were any variations on actuals. Neil Tryner replied that the company received less than expected through service charges, but not to a large extent.


Cllr Boothroyd asked about repair costs. Neil Tryner said that the company would spend the next year investigating this.


Cllr Noble asked for more detail about working with the housing team to improve complaints handling. Neil Tryner said that the company are becoming less passive in their relationship with the council with the handling of complaints and have much better data and a shorter response handling time. Neil Tryner stated that they should be making massive improvements this year. Claire Barrett commented on how the company is seeking to learn from complaints and working with the council on this issue.


Cllr Hug asked about the company’s relationship with Morgan Sindall and involvement in client management in repairs. Neil Tryner said that the company employs a contractor, but has little influence over outsourced services.


Director Appointment for Westminster Community Homes pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider an appointment to the Westminster Community Homes board to ensure good governance of the company.


The appointment of Cllr Iman Less to the Westminster Community Homes board was approved.


Reasons for decision: To ensure good governance and to ensure a good relationship between the company and the council.


Implementation Date: 22 July 2024




Cllr Hug invited Richard Cressey to introduce the report.


Richard Cressey commented on how the appointment was not to maintain quoracy on the board, but to provide a link between the council and the company.


Neil Tryner welcomed the appointment. Mark Davies seconded Neil Tryner’s comment.


Cllr Hug asked the committee to approve the recommendations on page 30 of the report pack.


Westco End of Year 2023/24 Update

To consider the financial and operational performance for the 2023/24 period.


Cllr Hug welcomed Westco to the meeting and invited the company to provide an update.


Ian Farrow provided an update on financial performance.


Cllr Hug asked the committee to note the report.


Any Other Business


No other business was raised and Cllr Hug closed the meeting at 11:53am.