Committee details


Purpose of committee

The full Council comprises of the Council's 60 elected Members meeting together. It is chaired by the Lord Mayor who also maintains a ceremonial role. The full Council meets quarterly, plus the Annual Meeting and any special meetings required.

Responsibility and Functions


·       Agrees policy framework i.e. statutory plans

·       Approves budget

·       Takes decisions on executive functions outside approved policy or budget framework

·       Adopts and / or changes the constitution

·       Agrees / amends terms of reference for non-executive Committees

·       Adopts Members' Allowances scheme

·       Confirms appointment of Head of Paid Service (the Chief Executive)

·       Makes decisions on all matters which, by law, must be determined by full Council

Policy Debate

It is also a forum for debate on policy issues



Contact information

Support officer: Janis Best, Strategic Lead - Committees and Councillors. Email: Tel: 07971 920521

Postal address:
64 Victoria Street