Issue - decisions

Re-procurement of Managing Agents Contract

31/01/2019 - Re-procurement of Managing Agents Contract

1.               That this report be exempt from disclosure by the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


2.               That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration approved the award of a new contract to the preferred bidder, commencing 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2022, a period of three years, with an option to extend for a further one year..

3.               That the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration delegated authority to the Director of Property, Estates and Investment to approve and award the one year term extension if appropriate.


Reasons for Decision 

To ensure the continued management of the Council’s Property Investment Portfolio, whilst also ensuring improved service delivery and value for money by way of a robust contract specification and detailed set of key performance indicators with penalty provisions for non-performance.