Issue - decisions

Designation of Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum

16/01/2019 - Designation of Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum


Summary of Decision


That the re-designation of  the Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum for a further period of 5 years be agreed and delegated authority be authorised to the Director of Policy, Performance and Communications to publish a formal designation notice.


Reasons for Decision


Westminster City Council designated Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum as the responsible body for preparing a Neighbourhood Plan for Mayfair on 10th January 2014. Under section 61F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011), Neighbourhood Forum designations expire after 5 years. The existing designation therefore expires on 10/01/19, and the Forum have applied to be re-designated.


In their application for re-designation the Forum state their future intentions (should the Mayfair Neighbourhood Plan be made) are to:

·         Monitor usage of the Mayfair Neighbourhood Plan and its policies to test the Plan’s effectiveness.

·         Propose adjustments to policies that fail to deliver associated Plan strategies.

·         Where necessary, comment individual applications.

·         Engage at the earliest opportunity with all interested parties on major projects and projects of particular sensitivity, with the intent of ensuring that the Neighbourhood Plan’s strategies and associated policies are understood and respected.

·         Influence the expenditure of CIL and Section 106 monies.

Consultation on the re-designation of the Mayfair Neighbourhood Forum highlighted support for the application.  There were no objections or competing applications.