Issue - decisions

Extension of Coroners Court

01/04/2021 - Extension of Coroners Court

1.      That this report be exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Local Government Act 1972     Schedule 12A, Part 1, paragraph 3 (as amended), in that it contains information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding).

2.      That the Cabinet Member for Finance and Smart City gave approval to the Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking- stopping up order for the subject section of land adjacent to the West Courtyard of the Coroners Court.

Reasons for Decision

1.   The key reasons and rationale for supporting this decision are as follows: 

(1)  The stopping up of the subject planter and section of land on which it sits will significantly assist in facilitating the proposed works to the Coroner’s Court and enable the provision of a garden of reflection for visitors and staff

(2)  There is no other area within the existing boundary of the Court where such a garden could be provided

(3)  The Court’s current accommodation is not adequate to meet the Coroner’s Services requirements

(4)  The new accommodation will deliver a better service and 

(5)  Will enable the implementation of the strategic decision to close a former Coroner’s office.  

2.   The requirement to provide additional accommodation for the Coroner’s Services has been recognised by the Council since 2007 and a delay in providing the additional accommodation increases the risk of the deterioration of service and increasing capital costs of the extension/improvement project.