Issue - decisions

Oxford Street District - Ramillies Project

25/09/2019 - Oxford Street District - Ramillies Project



That the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Planning and the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration agree recommendations 2.1 to 2.3 to the extent that the matters fall within their respective Terms of Reference:


2.1       Thatapprovalwasgivenforthe initial design fortheRamillies Street Work Package as shown ontheGeneralArrangementdrawing inAppendixB. The site clearance plan was also enclosed in Appendix C.


2.2       Thatspendingapprovalwasgiven for the delivery of the remaining stages of the Ramillies Street Work Package funded by the Oxford Street District programme.


2.3       That the Director of Place Shaping and Town Planning was given delegated authority to make any necessary changes to the Ramillies Street Work Package design as presented in this report, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Place Shaping and Planning and Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Regeneration.


          That the Cabinet Member for Environment and City Management agree recommendation 2.4 to the extent that the matters fall within his respective Terms of Reference:


2.4       That the authorisation be provided for the making or amending of the necessary Traffic Management Orders under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.




The proposed highway modifications seek to deliver a high-quality public realm scheme in Ramillies Street, Ramillies Place and Hill Place, as part of the Oxford Street District programme. This would benefit place making whilst providing improvements to pedestrian comfort and safety.


The detailed design can be undertaken taking into consideration the responses from the Traffic Management Order (TMO) consultation.


Consultation with local and other key stakeholders indicate that the project was considered beneficial.