Issue - decisions

Westminster City Plan Submission to the Secretary of State

28/10/2019 - Westminster City Plan Submission to the Secretary of State

Summary of Decision


That the Cabinet Member agreed:


i.                to consider the public responses to the Regulation 19 consultation on the draft City Plan and endorse the officers’ comments (shown in the Consultation Statement at Appendix 2) and the resulting minor modifications contained in Appendix 3;


ii.               to recommend the draft City Plan and the supporting documents (appended to this report) to Full Council on the 13th November 2019 for approval prior to submission to the Secretary of State for approval by way of the Examination;


iii.              to delegate power to the Executive Director Policy, Performance and Communications, to make minor modifications to the City Plan and accompanying documents throughout the Examination as are necessary, where these do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any policy in the City Plan.

Reasons for Decision 


The council’s corporate strategy, City for All, sets an ambition for Westminster to be a place where people are born into a supportive and safe environment, grow and learn throughout their lives, build fantastic careers in world-leading industries, have access to high quality, affordable homes and retire into the community with dignity and pride.


The City Plan is the spatial interpretation of this strategy, providing a framework for all future development in the city. To provide a robust and up to date policy framework for the taking of planning decisions across the city, the council has undertaken a full revision to the City Plan pursuant to Regulation 22 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.


Stuart Love, Chief Executive,

Westminster City Hall,

64 Victoria Street



Publication Date:


28 October 2019

Implementation Date:


28 October 2019

